1704514796 创造性破坏的力量 [:1704513553]
1704514797 创造性破坏的力量 7.结论
1704514799 本章考察了竞争与创新的关系。我们看到,总体而言,竞争会促进创新与增长,竞争对接近技术前沿的企业的创新与增长有正面作用,对远离技术前沿的企业则有负面作用。我们分析了美国的竞争程度削弱与增长率下降之间的联系,然后指出竞争与知识产权保护具有互补性,并捍卫了竞争与设计得当的产业政策可以兼容的观点。[34]在后续章节,我们还将回到其中某些议题,在第6章探讨美国增长率下降现象,第7章分析中等收入陷阱问题,第13章讨论全球化。
1704514801 [1]See, for example, Richard Blundell, Rachel Griffith, and John Van Reenen,“Dynamic Count Data Models of Technological Innovation,”EconomicJournal105,no. 429(1995):333 -344; Richard Blundell, Rachel Griffith, and John Van Reenen,“Market Share, Market Value and Innovation in a Panel of British Manufacturing Firms,”ReviewofEconomicStudies66, no. 3(1999):529 -554;Steve Nickell,“Competition and Corporate Performance,”JournalofPoliticalEconomy104, no. 4(1996):724 -746.
1704514803 [2]David Autor, David Dorn, Lawrence F. Katz, Christina Patterson, John Van Reenen,“The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms,”QuarterlyJournalofEconomics135, no. 2(2020):645 -709.
1704514805 [3]See William J. Baumol,Microtheory:ApplicationsandOrigins(Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 1986), ch. 3,“Contestable Markets: An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure,”40 -54.
1704514807 [4]关于“可竞争市场”的概念,参见William J. Baumol, John C. Panzar, and Robert D. Willig,Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure(New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982).
1704514809 [5]Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt, “A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction,”Econometrica60, no. 2(1992):323 -351.
1704514811 [6]Blundell, Griffith, and Van Reenen,“Market Share, Market Value and Innovation”; Stephen Nickell and John Van Reenen,“The United Kingdom,” inTechnological Innovation and Economic Performance, ed. Benn Steil, David G. Victor, and Richard R. Nelson(Princeton: Princeton University Press,2002).
1704514813 [7]See Philippe Aghion, Nick Bloom, Richard Blundell, Rachel Griffith, and Peter Howitt,“Competition and Innovation: An Inverted-U Relationship,”QuarterlyJournalofEconomics120, no. 2(2005):701 -728; Philippe Aghion, Rachel Griffith, and Peter Howitt, “Vertical Integration and Competition,”AmericanEconomicReview96, no. 2(2006):97 -102; Philippe Aghion, Richard Blundell,Rachel Griffith, Peter Howitt, and Susanne Prantl, “The Effects of Entry on Incumbent Innovation and Productivity,”ReviewofEconomicsandStatistics91, no. 1(2009):20 -32. See also Xavier Vives,“Innovation and Competitive Pressure,”Journal of Industrial Economics56, no. 3(2008):419 -469.
1704514815 [8]这里用劳均产出或全要素生产率来测算生产率。
1704514817 [9]Richard R. Nelson and Edmund S. Phelps,“Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion and Economic Growth,”AmericanEconomicsReview56, no. 1(1966):69 -75.
1704514819 [10]Aghion, Blundell, Griffith, Howitt, and Prantl, “The Effects of Entry on Incumbent Innovation and Productivity.”
1704514821 [11]Philippe Aghion, Antonin Bergeaud, Timothee Gigout, Matthieu Lequien, and Marc Melitz,“Spreading Knowledge across the World: Innovation Spillover through Trade Expansion,” unpublished manuscript, March 2019, https: // scholar. harvard. edu/ files/ aghion/ files/ spreading_knowledge_across_the_world. pdf.
1704514823 [12]Aghion, Bloom, Blundell, Griffith, and Howitt,“Competition and Innovation.”
1704514825 [13]这意味着在增长模型里,创新会增加产品的类型。See, for example, Paul M. Romer,“Endogenous Technological Change,”JournalofPoliticalEconomy98, no. 5, pt. 2(1990):71 -102.
1704514827 [14]See, for example, Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine,AgainstIntellectualMonopoly(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008); Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine,“Perfectly Competitive Innovation,”JournalofMonetaryEconomics55, no. 3(2008):435 -453; Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine,“The Caseagainst Patents,”JournalofEconomicPerspectives27, no. 1(2013):3 -22.
1704514829 [15]Philippe Aghion, Peter Howitt, and Susanne Prantl, “Patent Rights, Product Market Reforms, and Innovation,”JournalofEconomicGrowth20, no. 3(2015):223 -262.
1704514831 [16]Thomas Philippon,The Great Reversal:How America Gave Up on Free Markets(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019).
1704514833 [17]Matilde Bombardini,“Firm Heterogeneity and Lobby Participation,”JournalofInternationalEconomics75, no. 2(2008):329 -348; Matilde Bombardini and Francesco Trebbi,“Empirical Models of Lobbying,”AnnualReviewofEconomics12, no. 1(2020):391 -413; Marianne Bertrand, Matilde Bombardini, and Francesco Trebbi,“Is It Whom You Know or What You Know? An Empirical Assessment of the Lobbying Process,”AmericanEconomicReview104, no. 12(2014):3885 -3920.
1704514835 [18]David Autor, David Dorn, Lawrence F. Katz, Christina Patterson, and John Van Reenen,“The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms,”Quarterly Journal of Economics135, no. 2(2020):645 -709.
1704514837 [19]Philippe Aghion, Antonin Bergeaud, Timo Boppart, Peter J. Klenow, and Huiyu Li,“A Theory of Falling Growth and Rising Rents” (NBER Working Paper No. 26448, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, November 2019).
1704514839 [20]See, for instance, Friedrich List,Das nationale System der politischen Ökonomie(Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1841).
1704514841 [21]Anne O. Krueger,Political Economy of Policy Reform in Developing Countries(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993); Anne O. Krueger,“Policy Lessons from Development Experience since the Second World War,” inHandbookofDevelopmentEconomics, ed. Jere Behrman and T. N. Srinivasan, vol. 3B, 2497 -2550(Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1995).
1704514843 [22]See, for example, Daron Acemoglu, Philippe Aghion, and Fabrizio Zilibotti,“Distanceto Frontier, Selection, and Economic Growth,”JournaloftheEuropeanEconomicAssociation4, no. 1(2006); Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt,“Appropriate Growth Policy: A Unifying Framework”(Joseph Schumpeter Lecture),Journal of the European Economic Association4, no. 2 -3(2006):269 -314.
1704514845 [23]Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole,A TheoryofIncentivesinProcurementandRegulation(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993).
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