1705485517 十件古物中的丝路文明史 [:1705481327]
1705485518 十件古物中的丝路文明史 参考文献
1705485520 Abel-Rémusat, Jean Pierre. 1820. Histoire de la ville de Khotan, tirée des annales de la Chine et traduite du chinois suivie de recherches sur la substance minérale appelée par les Chinois “ierre de Iu,” et sur le jaspe des anciens. Paris: Doublet.
1705485522 Adler, Elkan. 1987. Jewish Travellers in the Middle Ages. New York: Dover Publications.
1705485524 Alemany, Agustí. 2000. Sources on the Alans: A Critical Compilation. Leiden: Brill.
1705485526 Allsen, Thomas T. 2006. The Royal Hunt in Eurasian History. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
1705485528 Alram, Michael. 1986. Nomina propria Iranica in nummis: Materialgrundlagen zu den iranischen Personennamen auf antiken Münzen. Iranisches Personennamenbuch 4. Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
1705485530 ——. 2016. Das Antlitz des Fremden: Die Münzprägung der Hunnen und Westtürken in Zentralasien und Indien. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Science.
1705485532 An Jiayao. 2004. “The Art of Glass along the Silk Road.” In Watt et al. 2004: 57-66. Annals of Ulster. 2000. CELT: The Corpus of Electronic Texts. https://celt.ucc.ie/ published/T100001A/index.html.
1705485534 安平秋,章培恒:《中国禁书大观》,上海:上海文化出版社,1991年。
1705485536 Aptel, Claire and Nathalie Biotteau. 1997. Thomas Dobrée, 1810-1895: Un homme, un musée. Exh. cat. Nantes: Musée Dobrée and Somogy.
1705485538 Arnold, Thomas W. and Adolf Grohman. 1929. The Islamic Book: A Contribution to Its Art and History from the VII-XVIII Century. Paris: Pegasus Press.
1705485540 Arrault, Alain and J.-C. Martzloff. 2003. “Les calendriers.” In Divination et société dans la Chine medieval, edited by Marc Kalinowski, 86-211. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France.
1705485542 Aruz, Joan, Ann Farkas, Andrei Alekseev, and Elena Korolkova, eds. 2000. The Golden Deer of Eurasia: Scythian and Sarmatian Treasures from the Russian Steppes. Exh. cat. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
1705485544 Aruz, Joan and Elizabeth Valtz Fino, eds. 2012. Afghanistan: Forging Civilizations along the Silk Road. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
1705485546 Asouti, Eeleni and Dorian Q. Fuller. 2008. Trees and Woodlands of South India: Archaeological Perspectives. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
1705485548 Bachrach, Bernard S. 1973. A History of the Alans in the West, from Their First Appearance in the Sources of Classical Antiquity through the Early Middle Ages. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
1705485550 Bagnall, Roger S., et al. 2012. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
1705485552 Bagnera, Alessandra. 2006. “Preliminary Note on the Islamic Settlement of Udegram, Swat: The Islamic Graveyard (11th-13th Century A.D.).” East and West 56 (1-3): 205-228.
1705485554 Balfour-Paul, Jenny. 1998. Indigo. London: British Museum Press.
1705485556 Ball, Warwick. 2002. Rome in the East: The Transformation of an Empire. London: Routledge.
1705485558 Baranov, Vladimir. n. d. “II. Materials and Techniques of Manuscript Production.1. Parchment.” In Medieval Manuscript Manual. Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies. http://web.ceu.hu/medstud/manual/MMM/parchment.html.
1705485560 Barnard, Mark and Frances Wood. 2004. “A Short History of the Conservation of the Dunhuang Manuscripts in London.” In The Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith, exh. cat., edited by Susan Whitfield and Ursula Sims-Williams, 97-104. London: British Library; Chicago: Serindia.
1705485562 Barrett, T. H. 1997. “The Feng-tao k’o and Printing on Paper in Seventh-Century China.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 60 (3): 538-540.
1705485564 ——. 2001. “Woodblock Dyeing and Printing Technology in China, c. 700 A.D.: The Innovations of Ms. Liu and Other Evidence.” Bulletin of the School of Orien-tal and African Studies 64 (2): 240-247.
1705485566 Barthold, V. V. 1968. Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion. 3rd ed. London: Luzac.
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