1700080391 6.“Ut pedites castra servarent et milites hostibus obviam extra castra pergerent”(“so that the foot soldiers might guard the camp and the knights might proceed against the enemy outside the camp”). Raimund. According to the Gesta,“pars peditum”(“part of the foot soldiers”).
1700080393 7.“Procedebamus ita spaciosi, sicut in processionibus clerici pergere solent et re vera nobis processio erat.”(“We were advancing in so loose a formation, just as clerics are accustomed to go in processions, and in fact we had a procession.”)
1700080395 8.Letter from the princes to the pope.
1700080397 9.Heermann, p.52,Note 2.
1700080399 10.Furthermore, the character of this letter as an official document is not absolutely certain. Hagenmeier, Studies in German History(Forschung zur deutschen Geschichte),13:400,believed he could show that Raimund himself was the author of the letter. The difference in the figures for the army strengths would not stand in the way of this interpretation. These numbers are only very vague estimates, which the same man can have stated very differently at various times, after speaking with various people.
1700080401 11.According to the ltinerarium Regis Ricardi(Itinerary of King Richard),VI, paras.21-24. Edited by Stubbs in the Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi Scriptores(Writers of British History of the Middle Ages),p.415. Oman, History of War, p.316.
1700080403 12.Of course, we could base a conclusion on the worthlessness of the foot troops on the express testimony of Raimund of Agiles, who says that, when the knights moved out before Antioch for the battle by the lake(9 February 1098),the foot troops were left behind in front of the beleaguered city.“Dicebant enim, quod multi de exercitu nostro imbelles et pavidi, si viderent Turcorum multitudinem, timoris potius quam audaciae exempla monstrarent.”(“They said in fact that many of our army, cowardly and afraid if they saw a crowd of Turks, presented examples of fear rather than boldness.”)But these kinds of statements are not objective evidence. Furthermore, some of the foot troops did move out with the knights(according to the Gesta),and that same day the rest of them successfully repulsed a sortie of the besieged forces.
1700080405 13.Köhler, p.156. Oman, p.477.
1700080407 14.Morris, p.256. Oman, p.561.
1700080409 15.Köhler,2:206-207. On the basis of the Regensburg Annals, M.G. SS.,17.418.
1700080411 16.Köhler,2:210.
1700080413 第四篇 中世纪晚期
1700080415 1 中世纪晚期的研究路径 无
1700080417 2 方阵会战、城市军队与征召民兵
1700080419 1.Spiegel historiaal, IV, Chap.33:
1700080421 Then he(Artois)wanted to surrender to them
1700080423 And so he said: …
1700080425 The Flemish shouted: We do not know you.
1700080427 The count called out in French:
1700080429 I am the count of Artois.
1700080431 They(the Flemish)said: Here is no nobleman
1700080433 Who can understand you.
1700080435 2.Oman, from whom I have also taken the terrain conditions, gives on p.570 a very clear and tactically correct presentation, but I cannot accept it, since the sources on which we must depend seem to me very unreliable. The principal source is a heroic poem by Archdeacon John Barbour of Aberdeen, The Bruce, or the Book of Robert de Broyss, King of Scots, written between 1375 and 1377,and consequently not until almost two generations after the battle. There is another poem written sooner after the event but not offering much information. The author was the Carmelite monk Baston, who accompanied King Edward in order to celebrate his deeds but who, when he became a prisoner of the Scottish king after the defeat, was then obliged to celebrate the battle on that king’s behalf.(Lappenberg-Pauli, Geschichte von England,4:243). The English sources, Geoffroy Baker of Swinbroke(died between 1358 and 1360)and the Chronicle of Lanercost, of which this part was probably the work of a Franciscan monk of Carlisle, contain only meager information.
1700080437 3.The reason why the French knights in the center dismounted is not given directly in any source, but we may interpret the words used by the Monk of Saint Denis as we have done. He says: “The horses themselves were removed from the view of the combatants, so that each one, losing any hope of escaping the danger by fleeing, would show more courage.”
1700080439 4.We can conclude from the sequence of the battle itself that this was the sense of the French formation. That this epoch was capable of such a tactical idea is shown in the report on the battle of Othée(1408),by Monstrelet, where the questionable maneuver is described with exact clarity: “When that other dismounted company, much larger … intends to invade your land and fight you, those on horseback, experienced in battle and in good order, will move up quickly and attempt from the rear to separate you and break up your formation, while the others are assaulting you from the front.”
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