1700080541 16.A tabulation by von Wulf of the army strengths shown in the sources is to be found in the Mitteilungen des Vereins für die Geschichte der Deutschen in Böhmen,31:92. Prague,1893.
1700080543 17.We owe this knowledge to an excellent treatment by Ernst Kroker,“Saxony and the Hussite Wars”(“Sachsen und die Hussitenkriege”),in the Neues Archiv für sächsische Geschichte,21(1900):1. The following citations are also taken from this article and the book by Fr.von Bezold, König Sigmund und die Reichskriege gegen die Hussiten(1872-1877).
1700080545 18.Acts of the German Imperial Diet(Deutsche Reichstagsakten),VIII, No.93.
1700080547 19.Palacky, Geschichte von Böhmen,3:2:250.
1700080549 20.Deutsche Reichstagsakten, VIII, No.94.
1700080551 21.Deutsche Reichstagsakten, VIII, No.390.
1700080553 22.Bezold,2:78.
1700080555 23.Riedel, Codex Diplomaticus Brandenburgensis(Documentary Codex of Brandenburg),4:1:210.
1700080557 24.Bezold,2:110.
1700080559 25.It is interesting to see from the discussions how confused they were on the decisive numerical relationships. It was proposed that the tenth man, the twentieth, and the thirtieth should be taken, but the men from Ulm thought that even if only one man in 100 was outfitted, that would still result in a large army. In 1428,however, they had planned to outfit every fourth man. Erben,“The Levy of Albrecht V against the Hussites”(“Der Aufgebot Albrechts V.gegen die Hussiten”),Mitteilungen des Oesterreichischen Instituts,23:264.
1700080561 26.Bezold,3:144,assumes a strength of 100,000 men for this army,but without sufficient basis. Kroker did not discuss this campaign.
1700080563 27.According to Bezold,2:153.
1700080565 28.Sello, Zeitschrift für Preussische Geschichte,19(1882):614,“The Incursions of the Hussites into the March Brandenburg”(“Die Einfälle der Hussiten in die Mark Brandenburg”).An excellent article, which is also worth reading for all those who would like to know to what extent a patriotic attitude can lead to the exaggeration of historical events.
1700080567 29.The actual course of the battle may have run about this way. Wulf, Dissertation, p.55 ff. Köhler, Kriegswesen,3:3:394.
1700080569 6 意大利雇佣兵、敕令军团和免税射手
1700080571 1.On the German knights in Italy, H. Niese has published a study with original documents in the “Sources and Studies from Italian Archives”(“Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven”),published by the Historisches Institut,8(1905):217.
1700080573 2.R.Bott,“The Campaigns of the Anglo-French Mercenary Companies to Alsace and Switzerland”(“Die Kriegszüge der englischfranzösischen Soldkompagnien nach dem Elsass und der Schweiz”),alle dissertation,1891.
1700080575 Luce, Histoire de Bertrand du Guesclin et de son époque, Paris,1876.
1700080577 3.This reform in its entire context has been treated in an exemplary way by G. Roloff in an article “The French Army under Charles VII”(“Das französische Heer unter Karl VII.”),Historische Zeitschrift,93.427. Of the more recent French writings on which this study is based, especially valuable is E. Cosneau, Le Connétable de Richemont(Artur de Bretagne),Paris,1886.
1700080579 4.Boutaric, p.214. The levées générales under Philip IV were nothing but “a pretext to establish taxes.”Likewise Luce, Bertrand du Guesclin, p.155,concerning the levies under Philip VI.
1700080581 5.When William of Tyre speaks of centuriones and quinquagenarii as early as the battle of Dorylaeum in the First Crusade, that has no other significance than when Widukind speaks of legiones at the battle on the Lechfeld. Barbarossa, of course, sought on his Crusade to organize his army on a regular numerical basis.
1700080583 6.According to the treaty of alliance of 1252,the pay was to be handed out to the milites by the capitanei. Muratori, Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi(Italian Antiquities of the Middle Ages),6.491.
1700080585 7.Rosenhagen,“History of the Imperial Army Move into Italy from Henry VI to Rudolf”(“Geschichte der Reichsheerfahrt von Heinrich VI.bis Rudolph”),Leipzig dissertation,1885,p.65.
1700080587 8.Morris, The Welsh Wars.
1700080589 9.Archiv.storico Ital.,15.53-According to Köhler,3:2:167.
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