1700080900 27.Schilling wrote that, after the Grünhag was taken,“and all the formations were broken from that moment on.”The editors believe that this statement is unlikely,“or is it supposed to be the same maneuver that is indicated in the Lurlebatlied(one of the songs composed about this battle and recorded by Schilling)as’the point which spread out’”?Such is no doubt the case, except that it is not a question of a “maneuver,” but of the natural breaking up of a closed formation in the course of and following such an assault.
1700080902 28.The reports in the Jahrzeitbuch von Schwyz in the Anzeiger für Schweizerische Geschichte,1895,p.160,are probably worthless.
1700080904 29.In Ochsenbein, Urkunden, pp.339,341.
1700080906 30.Two special studies have been devoted to the battle of Nancy: one by Robert Schoeber(Erlangen dissertation,1891)and one by Max Laux(Rostock dissertation,1895,Süssenguth Press, Berlin). Laux’s work has a useful plan of the battle, a comprehensive basis in the sources, and corrects a number of the errors of his predecessors, but it is not without its own errors and oversights.
1700080908 31.Laux, p.20,estimates Charles’s strength at the end of July as 4,000 to 5,000 men, which he believes was not increased by significant reinforcements. Consequently, he believes that, for the battle, the scouting report that was made to the Confederation to the effect that the duke had only a small column, some 6,000 men, is the figure closest to the truth. But there were probably more than that; for when Laux bases his estimate on the fact that Panigarola reports nothing about reinforcements, it can be said in rebuttal that Panigarola had already left the duke when they marched into Lorraine, and his last report was dated 19 October. From then until January, the duke could have drawn many reinforcements from the Netherlands. Schoeber estimates a strength between 7,000 and 8,000,but without any real computation.
1700080910 The sources with a Burgundian bias go as low as 2,000 or even 1,200(Rodt,2:392). Rodt has assumed 14,000,of whom 4,000 guarded the camp against a possible sortie from Nancy, while 10,000 participated in the battle. But his estimate is based on statements by the duke himself, which can be proven to have been intentionally exaggerated. See Laux, p.20.Mémoires de Comines, ed. Mandrot,1:386.
1700080912 Let us mention here Olivier de la Marche as an example of how little credence can be given to the figures of authors, even those who appear to have had the most reliable information at their disposal. He was majordomo of the duke of Burgundy and was taken prisoner at Nancy by the duke of Lorraine, buying his freedom for a high ransom. He was thus able to learn of the situation on both sides. His memoirs are printed in the Collection Petitot, Vols.IX and X. He states: “a good 12,000 combatants”(instead of almost 20,000),“and the duke of Burgundy went before them; and I swear that he did not have 2,000 combatants”(instead of 8,000 to 10,000).
1700080914 32.According to Comines’s account(cited by Mandrot, p.386),he was, of course, supposedly directly informed of René’s great numerical superiority, but such later accounts have but little credibility.
1700080916 33.Dispatches of the Milanese Ambassadors(Déþêches des ambassadeurs Milanais),ed.by Gingins,2:349.
1700080918 34.von Rodt, Wars of Charles the Bold(Kriege Karls des Kühnen),2:315.
1700080920 35.There is nothing of importance in the small variations in the interpretation of this passage. See Schoeber, p.33,note; Jähns, Manual of Military History(Handbuch der Geschichte des Kriegswesens),p.1009-See also pp.511 and 514,above.
1700080922 36.The passage reads verbatim:
1700080924 intendendo di questi 2 m(2000)lanze mettere mille a piedi quando si trovara con Svicerj, li quali habiano 14(10?)combatenti per uno, cive tri archieri, tri fanti con lanze longhe e tri schiopeteri e balestrieri, che venirano ad essere 10 m(10,000)combatenti in uno squadrone, poiche Sviceri li fanno cosi grossi. Li altri mille lanze a cavallo, con loro cinque millia archieri a cavallo, e lo resto, dil campo, in modo dice havera circa 30 m(30,000)combatenti.
1700080926 Gingins La Sarra,2:361.
1700080928 (intending, when he encountered the Swiss, to put on foot 1,000 of these 2,000 lances, each of which would have 14(10?)combatants, that is, three archers, three infantrymen with long lances and three musketeers and crossbowmen, which will amount to 10,000 combatants in a squadron, since the Swiss make them that large. The other 1,000 lances on horseback, with their 5,000 mounted archers, and the rest from the camp so that there will be about 30,000 combatants.)
1700080930 37.In the “true declaration”(“vraye déclaration”),Comines, Lenglet,3:492,it is said that the rear guard consisted only of 8,000 musketeers, who marched along “one cannonball-ball range” behind the main body, to protect it from the rear. I cannot visualize this. What was such a large number of marksmen supposed to do behind the close-combat weapons during the march through the forest? They could not have repelled a real attack from this direction, in case such an attack was somehow to be suspected. The Lorraine Chronicle(Lothringer Chronik),p.293,speaks of a unit, but one apparently consisting of only 100 men, which was to skirmish along the meadows and keep the enemy occupied. Those 800[8,000]marksmen would have been so very appropriately employed there that we are perhaps justified in assuming an oversight or a lacuna in the “vraye déclaration.”
1700080932 8 中世纪军事理论
1700080934 1.On the theoretical aspect of this question, see the article “On the Importance of Discoveries in History”(“Ueber die Bedeutung der Erfindungen in der Geschichte”)in my Historische und politische Aufsätze(1887).
1700080936 2.Edited by Dümmler in the Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum,15(1872):433.
1700080938 3.This part is also reprinted in Hahn, Collectio monumentorum, Vol.I, Braunschweig,1724.
1700080940 4.Alwin Schultz, Courtly Life at the Time of the Minnesingers(Höfisches Leben zur Zeit der Minnesänger),2:160,believes on the basis of this statement that drill exercises took place in the Middle Ages. How that is supposed to have been possible seems unclear to the author himself, of course(p.162),since the peasants were forbidden to bear arms.
1700080942 5.These regulations are copied in the original Spanish text and translated in Köhler,3:2:230. Some translation errors have been corrected by H. Escher, Neujahrsblatt der Züricher Feuerwerker-Gesellschaft auf das Jahr 1905,p.44.
1700080944 6.Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften,1:212.
1700080946 7.“Life and Works of Christine de Pisan”(“Leben und Werke der Christine de Pizan”),by Friedrich Koch. Leipzig dissertation,1885. Ludwig Koch Press, Goslar.
1700080948 8.Printed under the title L’art de chevalerie selon Végèce,1488.
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