1700697021 阻挡侵袭:还有铜、镉。A. Z. Aris,F. A. Ismail,H. Y. Ng,and S. M. Praveena,“An Experimental and Modelling Study of Selected Heavy Metals Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Scylla serrata as Biosorbent,”Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology 22,no. 2(Jan. 2014): 553–66。
1700697023 第一道防线:“Mucus: The First Line of Defense,”ScienceDaily,Nov. 6,2015,https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/11/151106062716. htm; Sara G. Miller,“Where Does All My Snot Come From?,”Live Science,May 13,2016,https://www.livescience.com/54745-why-do-i-have-so-much-snot.html; B. M. Yergin et al.,“A Roentgenographic Method for Measuring Nasal Mucous Velocity,”Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiratory,Environmental and Exercise Physiology 44,no. 6(June 1978): 964–68。
1700697025 极其微小的纤毛:Maria Carolina Romanelli et al.,“Nasal Ciliary Motility: A New Tool in Estimating the Time of Death,”International Journal of Legal Medicine 126,no. 3(May 2012): 427–33; Fuad M. Baroody,“How Nasal Function Influences the Eyes,Ears,Sinuses,and Lungs,”Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 8,no. 1(Mar. 2011): 53–61; Irina Ozerskaya et al.,“Ciliary Motility of Nasal Epithelium in Children with Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis,”European Respiratory Journal 50,suppl. 61(2017)。
1700697027 每秒16次:温度越高,纤毛速度越快。J. Yager et al.,“Measurement of Frequency of Ciliary Beats of Human Respiratory Epithelium,”Chest 73,no. 5(May 1978): 627–33; James Gray,“The Mechanism of Ciliary Movement. VI. Photographic and Stroboscopic Analysis of Ciliary Movement,”Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 107,no. 751(Dec. 1930): 313–32。
1700697029 鼻孔近端的纤毛:哭的时候,眼泪会流到鼻子里,泪水和鼻涕混在一起,使后者变得稀薄如水。这时,黏液无法再被纤毛抓住,只能随着重力往下,这就是流鼻涕。稠鼻涕更糟。乳制品摄入过多、过敏症、淀粉类食物等,都会增加鼻涕的黏稠度,进而导致纤毛放慢速度、不堪重负,最终停止摆动。这就是鼻子充血的原因。鼻塞时间越长,鼻子里积聚的微生物就越多,有时甚至会引发鼻窦炎或普通感冒。Olga V. Plotnikova et al.,“Primary Cilia and the Cell Cycle,”Methods in Cell Biology 94(2009): 137–60; Achim G. Beule,“Physiology and Pathophysiology of Respiratory Mucosa of the Nose and the Paranasal Sinuses,”GMS Current Topics in Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 9(2010): Doc07。
1700697031 鼻甲的不同区域:Scheithauer,“Surgery of the Turbinates,”18; Swami Rama,Rudolph Ballentine,and Alan Hymes,Science of Breath: A Practical Guide(Honesdale,PA: Himalayan Institute Press,1979,1998),45。
1700697033 公元前1500年左右:Bryan Gandevia,“The Breath of Life: An Essay on the Earliest History of Respiration: Part I,”Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 16,no. 1(Mar. 1970): 5–11,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0004951414610850; Gandevia,“The Breath of Life: An Essay on the Earliest History of Respiration: Part II,”Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 16,no. 2(June 1970): 57–69,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0004951414610898?via%3Dihub。
1700697035 替人画像:后面关于乔治·卡特林的细节、引言、描述摘自以下书籍:George Catlin,North American Indians,ed. Peter Matthiessen(New York: Penguin,2004); Catlin,The Breath of Life,4th ed.,retitled Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life(London: N. Truebner,1870)。1870年版的Shut Your Mouth可免费下载,参见:https://buteykoclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Shut-your-mouth-Catlin.pdf。
1700697037 我穿行于美国大地:Catlin,Letters and Notes on the Manners,Customs,and Condition of the North American Indians(New York: Wiley and Putnam,1841),vol. 1,206。
1700697039 唯一详尽的记载:Peter Matthiessen,introduction to Catlin,North American Indians,vi。
1700697041 50个部落:后来,人类学家理查德·斯特克尔(Richard Steckel)证实了卡特林的描述,宣称19世纪末平原部落的人是当时世界上最高的人。Devon Abbot Mihesuah,Recovering Our Ancestors’ Gardens(Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,2005),47。
1700697043 一口好牙:Shut Your Mouth,2,18,27,41,43,51。
1700697045 《生命的呼吸》:Reviewed in Littell’s Living Age 72(Jan.–Mar. 1862): 334–35。
1700697047 活到了76岁:到20世纪初时,卡特林几乎已被人遗忘。他的导师们,也就是大平原上的那些印第安人,几乎被消灭殆尽,原因包括天花、枪、强奸、奴役。剩下的那些只得借酒消愁。满头银发的曼丹人、肩宽膀阔的波尼人、温文尔雅的米纳特里人全消失了,而他们的呼吸技艺、知识也随之消失了。
1700697049 始终用鼻子呼吸:卡特林有关口鼻呼吸的论述发表几十年之后,弗吉尼亚塞勒姆的瑞吉斯山疗养院的内科主治医师华生(E. E. Watson)在弗吉尼亚医疗学会的年度会议上,宣布了口呼吸是结核病传播的罪魁祸首,“即使说我们75%的结核性喉炎病例都发生在口呼吸的人身上,也毫不夸张”。呼吸系统疾病对人口的影响并非随机,也不具有遗传性。本质上,华生想说的就是,某些疾病就是病人自找的。病人是口呼吸还是鼻呼吸,在很大程度上决定了身体是健康还是得病。E. E. Watson,“Mouth-Breathing,”Virginia Medical Monthly 47,no. 9(Dec. 1920): 407–8。
1700697051 出版过一本专著:Mark Burhenne,The 8-Hour Sleep Paradox: How We Are Sleeping Our Way to Fatigue,Disease and Unhappiness(Sunnyvale,CA: Ask the Dentist,2015)。
1700697053 口呼吸会导致:J. E. Choi et al.,“Intraoral pH and Temperature during Sleep with and without Mouth Breathing,”Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 43,no. 5(Dec. 2015): 356–63; Shirley Gutkowski,“Mouth Breathing for Dummies,”RDH Magazine,Feb. 13,2015,https://www.rdhmag.com/patient-care/article/16405394/mouth-breathing-for-dummies。
1700697055 一个世纪来:“Breathing through the Mouth a Cause of Decay of the Teeth,”American Journal of Dental Science 24,no. 3(July 1890): 142–43,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6063589/?page=1。
1700697057 导致鼾症:M. F. Fitzpatrick et al.,“Effect of Nasal or Oral Breathing Route on Upper Airway Resistance During Sleep,”European Respiratory Journal 22,no. 5(Nov. 2003): 827–32。
1700697059 其中一个好处:在许多研究人员看来,一氧化氮对身体的重要性不亚于氧气和二氧化碳。Catharine Paddock,“Study Shows Blood Cells Need Nitric Oxide to Deliver Oxygen,”Medical News Today,Apr. 13,2015,https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/292292.php; J. Lundberg and E. Weitzberg,“Nasal Nitric Oxide in Man,”Thorax 54,no. 10(Oct. 1999): 947–52。
1700697061 氧气……提高18%:J. Lundberg,“Nasal and Oral Contribution to Inhaled and Exhaled Nitric Oxide: A Study in Tracheotomized Patients,”European Respiratory Journal 19,no. 5(2002): 859–64; Mark Burhenne,“Mouth Taping: End Mouth Breathing for Better Sleep and a Healthier Mouth,”Ask the Dentist(includes several study references),https://askthedentist.com/mouth-tape-better-sleep/. Additionally,the increased air resistance through nasal breathing increases the vacuum in the lungs,and helps us draw in 20 percent more oxygen than through the mouth. Caroline Williams,“How to Breathe Your Way to Better Memory and Sleep,”New Scientist,Jan. 8,2020。
1700697063 我试验了几种胶带:睡眠胶带也不乏批评者。英国《卫报》在2019年7月的一篇文章中宣称,睡眠胶带很危险,因为“如果你呕吐的话,很可能会窒息而死”。布莱纳和科尔尼告诉我,这一说法荒谬至极,缺乏实据,缺乏相关研究。“Buteyko: The Dangerous Truth about the New Celebrity Breathing Sensation,”The Guardian,https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2019/jul/15/buteyko-the-dangerous-truth-about-the-new-celebrity-breathing-sensation。
1700697065 第4章 呼气
1700697067 由……痴迷者著称:出版商对Peter Kelder的介绍,参见:Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth,Book 2(New York: Doubleday,1998),xvi。
1700697069 扩肺拉伸法:我遵循的指导是维基百科上的“藏地五式”。心脏病专家乔尔·卡恩建议,每套动作要进行21轮,就像古代西藏人那样。对于初学者来说,每天十分钟的练习是一个很好的开始。
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