1700792621 [44] 见James H.Cassedy,Charles V.Chapin and the Public Health Movement(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1972)。
1700792623 [45] Thomas McKeown,The Modern Rise of Population(New York:Academic Press,1976).另见Thomas McKeown,Medicine:Dream,Mirage,or Nemesis?(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1979);以及Thomas McKeown and R.G.Record,“Reasons for the Decline in Mortality in England and Wales during the Nineteenth Century,” Population Studies 16(1962):94—122。
1700792625 [46] Simon Szreter,“The Importance of Social Intervention in Britain’s Mortality Decline,c.1850—1914:A Reinterpretation of the Role of Public Health,” Social History of Medicine 1(1988):1—37.
1700792627 [47] 近期,妇幼保健得到了公共卫生史学家和女权主义学者的极大关注。见Molly Ladd-Taylor,ed.,Raising a Baby the Government Way:Mothers’ Letters to the Children’s Bureau,1915—1932(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1986);Richard A.Meckel,Save the Babies:American Public Health Reform and the Prevention of Infant Mortality,1850—1920(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1990);Rima D.Apple,Mothers and Medicine:A Social History of Infant Feeding,1890—1950(Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1987);Jane Lewis,The Politics of Motherhood:Child and Maternal Welfare in England,1900—1939(Montreal:McGill-Queen’s University Press,1980);以及Alisa Klaus,“Babies All the Rage:The Movement to Prevent Infant Mortality in the United States and France,1890—1920,” PhD dissertation,University of Pennsylvania,1986。
1700792629 [48] 女权主义作家和医学史家对那些早期的假设表示质疑,即医生助产比助产士助产更安全,医院分娩比在家庭分娩更安全。例见Jean Donnison,Midwives and Medical Men:A History of Inter-Professional Rivalry and Women’s Rights(New York:Schocken,1977)。关于妇女和生育的社会背景,以下两部著作非常出色:Judith W.Leavitt,Brought to Bed:Childbearing in America,1750—1950(New York:Oxford University Press,1986);以及Laura Thatcher Ulrich,A Midwife’s Tale:The Life of Martha Ballard,Based on Her Diary,1785—1812(New York:Knopf,1990)。
1700792631 [49] Andrea Tone,Devices and Desires:A History of Contraceptives in America(New York:Hill and Wang,2002); Ellen Chesler,Woman of Valor:Margaret Sanger and the American Birth Control Movement in America(New York:Simon & Schuster,1992); Linda Gordon,Woman’s Body,Woman’s Right:A Social History of Birth Control in America(New York:Grossman,1976; revised edition,New York:Penguin,1990); James Reed,From Private Vice to Public Virtue:The Birth Control Movement and American Society since 1830(New York:Basic Books,1978); Leslie J.Reagan,When Abortion Was a Crime:Women,Medicine,and Law in the United States,1867—1973(Berkeley:University of California Press,1997); James C.Mohr,Abortion in America:The Origins and Evolution of National Policy,1800—1900(New York:Oxford University Press,1978); Carroll Smith-Rosenberg,Disorderly Conduct:Visions of Gender in Victorian America(New York:Knopf,1985); Rosalind P.Petchesky,Abortion and Woman’s Choice:The State,Sexuality,and Reproductive Freedom(Boston:Northeastern University Press,1985); Rima D.Apple,ed.,Women,Health,and Medicine in America:A Historical Handbook(New York:Garland,1990).
1700792633 [50] 在这种情况下,出生人数,特别是中产阶级妇女生育率的明显下降,以及人们发现许多年轻男子的兵役体检不合格,都刺激了公共卫生、儿童福利、先天论和优生学工作的展开。见Daniel J.Kevles,In the Name of Eugenics:Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity(New York:Knopf,1985)。关于性和权力的交叉的深度讨论,见Alain Corbin,Women for Hire:Prostitution and Sexuality in France after 1850(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1990)。
1700792635 [51] 关于公共卫生护理,尤见Karen Buhler-Wilkerson,False Dawn:The Rise and Decline of Public Health Nursing,1900—1930(New York:Garland,1989)。同样出色的有Mary Breckinridge,Wide Neighborhoods:A Story of the Frontier Nursing Service(New York:Harper,1952; reprint,Lexington:University Press of Kentucky,1981)。
1700792637 [52] 罗森与查尔斯·爱德华·A.温斯洛(Charles-Edward A.Winslow)都坚持,健康教育对公共卫生的重要意义是不亚于病菌学的。见Winslow’s The Evolution and Significance of the Modern Public Health Campaign(New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,1923);Richard K.Means,A History of Health Education in the United States(Philadelphia:Lea & Febiger,1962);以及不同的、挑衅的观点,John C.Burnham,How Superstition Won and Science Lost:Popularizing Science and Health in the United States(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1987)。关于卫生、健康和卫生改革,见Harvey Green,Fit for America:Health,Fitness,Sport,and American Society(New York:Pantheon Books,1986);James C.Whorton,Crusaders for Fitness:The History of American Health Reformers(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1982);以及Martha H.Verbrugge,Able-Bodied Womanhood:Personal Health and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Boston(New York:Oxford University Press,1988)。
1700792639 [53] 关于结核病的第一个志愿卫生组织,参见Michael E.Teller,The Tuberculosis Movement:A Public Health Campaign in the Progressive Era(New York:Greenwood Press,1988);Richard H.Shryock,National Tuberculosis Association,1904—1954:A Study of the Voluntary Health Movement in the United States(New York:National Tuberculosis Association,1957)。更广泛地说,志愿组织的历史包括公众对疾病危害以及筹措资金政策的看法。例见,Richard A.Rettig,Cancer Crusade:The Story of the National Cancer Act of 1971(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1977); James T.Patterson,The Dread Disease:Cancer and Modern American Culture(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1977);以及Stephen P.Strickland,Politics,Science,and Dread Disease:A History of United States Medical Research Policy(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1972)。
1700792641 [54] 这些机构近年来得到了更多的关注。关于CDC,见Elizabeth W.Etheridge,Sentinel for Health:A History of the Centers for Disease Control(Berkeley:University of California Press,1992);关于NIH,见Victoria Harden,Inventing the NIH:Federal Biomedical Research Policy,1887—1937(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1986);关于公共卫生学院,见Elizabeth Fee,Disease and Discovery:A History of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health,1916—1939(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1987); Robert R.Korstad,Dreaming of a Time:The School of Public Health; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,1939—1989(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina,1990); Elizabeth Fee and Roy M.Acheson,eds.,A History of Education in Public Health:Health That Mocks the Doctors’ Rules(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991)。最近出版的一部作品补充了一些美国公共卫生服务的旧史料:Fitzhugh Mullan,Plagues and Politics:The Story of the United States Public Health Service(New York:Basic Books,1989)。
1700792643 [55] 关于糙皮病,见Elizabeth W.Etheridge,The Butterfly Caste(Westport,CT:Greenwood Press,1972);Daphne A.Roe,A Plague of Corn:The Social History of Pellagra(Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1973);以及Milton Terris,ed.,Goldberger on Pellagra(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1964)。
1700792645 [56] 关于食品条例,见James Harvey Young,Pure Food:Securing the Federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906(Princeton,NY:Princeton University Press,1989);关于粮食救济,见Jan Poppendieck,Breadlines Knee-Deep in Wheat:Food Assistance in the Great Depression(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1986)。了解非法的市售毒品以及控制毒品的努力,见David F.Musto,The American Disease:Origins of Narcotic Control(New York:Oxford University Press,1987)。
1700792647 [57] Joan Jacobs Brumberg,Fasting Girls:The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1988); Lucile F.Newman et al.,eds.,Hunger in History:Food Shortage,Poverty and Deprivation(Cambridge,MA:Basil Blackwell,1990); Roderick Floud,Kenneth Wachter,and Gregory Annabel,Height,Health and History:Nutritional Status in the United Kingdom,1750—1980(New York:Cambridge University Press,1990); David Arnold,ed.,Famine,Social Crisis and Historical Change(Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1988).
1700792649 [58] 在美国,职业健康的历史已经得到了相当多的关注。一些近期的重要出版物包括 David Rosner and Gerald E.Markowitz,Deadly Dust:Silicosis and the Politics of Occupational Disease in Twentieth-Century America(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1991);Gerald Markowitz and David Rosner,Deceit and Denial:The Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution(Berkeley:University of California Press:2013);David Rosner and Gerald E.Markowitz,eds.,Dying for Work:Workers’ Safety and Health in Twentieth-Century America(Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1987);Alan Derickson,Workers’ Health,Workers’Democracy:The Western Miners’ Struggle,1891—1925(Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1989);Alan Derickson,Black Lung:Anatomy of a Public Health Disaster(Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1998);Claudia Clark,Radium Girls:Women and Industrial Health Reform,1910—1935(Berkeley:University of California Press,1997);Paul Weindling,ed.,The Social History of Occupational Health(London:Dover,1986);Edward H.Beardsley,A History of Neglect:Health Care for Blacks and Mill Workers in the Twentieth-Century South(Knoxville:University of Tennessee Press,1987);Barbara Sicherman,Alice Hamilton:A Life in Letters(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1984);Ronald Bayer,ed.,The Health and Safety of Workers:Case Studies in the Politics of Professional Responsibility(New York:Oxford University Press,1988)。关于童工,见Alan Derickson,“Making Human Junk:Child Labor as a Health Issue in the Progressive Era,” American Journal of Public Health 82(1992):1280—90。关于环境卫生史的相关文献,包括James Whorton,Before Silent Spring:Pesticides and Public Health in Pre-DDT America(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1974);Samuel P.Hays,Beauty,Health,and Permanence:Environmental Politics in the United States,1955—1985(New York:Cambridge University Press,1987);以及Catherine Caulfield,Multiple Exposures:Chronicles of the Radiation Age(London:Seeker & Warburg,1989)。另见Samuel S.Epstein’s controversial book,The Politics of Cancer(Garden City,NY:Anchor Press,1979)。在将公共卫生和环境运动联系起来这方面,尤为重要的是Robert Gottlieb,Forcing the Spring:The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement(Washington,DC:Island Press,1993)。
1700792651 [59] 关于英国国民医疗服务体系,见Charles Webster,Peacetime History:The Health Services since the War,vol.1,Problems of Health Care:The National Health Service before 1957(London:H.M.S.O.,1988);Frank Honigsbaum,Health,Happiness,and Security:The Creation of the National Health Service(London:Routledge,1989);and Daniel M.Fox,Health Policies,Health Politics:The British and American Experience,1911—1965(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1986)。针对罗森对美国取得国民健康保险的早期努力的简要叙述,罗纳德·纳博斯进行了详细分析;见Ronald L.Numbers,Almost Persuaded:American Physicians and Compulsory Health Insurance,1912—1920(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1978)。关于后来围绕国民健康保险的斗争,有大量文献记载;例见Ronald Numbers,ed.,Compulsory Health Insurance:The Continuing American Debate(West-port,CT:Greenwood Press,1982);Monty Poen,Harry S.Truman versus the Medical Lobby(Columbia:University of Missouri Press,1979);Richard Harris,A Sacred Trust(Baltimore:Penguin,1966);Paul Starr,The Social Transformation of American Medicine(New York:Basic Books,1982),以及Remedy and Reaction:The Peculiar American Struggle over Health Care Reform(New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,2011);Beatrix Hoffman,Health Care for Some:Rights and Rationing in the United States since 1930(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,2012)。Georges C.Benjamin,Theodore M.Brown,Susan Ladwig,and Elyse Berkman,The Quest for Health Reform:A Satirical History(Washington,DC:American Public Health Association,2013).Anne-Emanuelle Birn,Theodore M.Brown,Elizabeth Fee,and Walter J.Lear,“Struggles for National Health Reform in the United States,” American Journal of Public Health 93(2003):86—91.
1700792653 [60] 关于早期社区健康中心,乔治·罗森写了一篇颇具影响力的文章,“The First Neighborhood Health Center Movement:Its Rise and Fall,” in From Medical Police to Social Medicine:Essays in the History of Health Care(New York:Science History Publications,1974),304—327。另见Alice Sardell,The U.S.Experiment in Social Medicine:The Community Health Center Program,1965—1986(Pittsburgh:University of Pittsburgh Press,1988)。
1700792655 [61] Robert B.Stevens and Rosemary Stevens,Welfare Medicine in America:A Case Study of Medicaid(New York:Free Press,1974); Paul Starr,The Social Transformation of American Medicine(New York:Basic Books,1982); Vicente Navarro,Crisis,Health,and Medicine:A Social Critique(New York:Tavistock,1986); J.Rogers Hollingshead,A Political Economy of Medicine:Great Britain and the United States(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1986); Vicente Navarro,“Why Some Countries Have National Health Insurance,Others Have National Health Services,and the United States Has Neither,” Social Science and Medicine 28(1989):383—404.
1700792657 [62] 我们仍然缺少一本优秀的单卷本世界卫生组织史。最早期的一些关于国际性合作努力的著作包括Norman Howard-Jones,The Scientific Background of the International Sanitary Conferences(Geneva:World Health Organization,1975)。谷口基金会编写的系列丛书中有一些关于国际卫生问题的有趣文章。例见,Teizo Ogawa,ed.,Public Health(Tokyo:Taniguchi Foundation,1981);另可参考本卷中许多关于国际卫生和热带医学的参考文献。
1700792659 [63] 例见,John Farley,Bilharzia:A History of Imperial Tropical Medicine(New York:Cambridge University Press,1991);Randall M.Packard,White Plague,Black Labor:Tuberculosis and the Political Economy of Health and Disease in South Africa(Berkeley:University of California Press,1989);Philip D.Curtin,Death by Migration:Europe’s Encounter with the Tropical World in the Nineteenth Century(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1989);Gerald W.Hartwig and K.David Patterson,eds.,Disease in African History:An Introductory Survey and Case Studies(Durham,NC:Duke University Press,1978);David Arnold,ed.,Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies(Manchester:Manchester University Press,1988);Roy McLeod and Milton Lewis,eds.,Disease,Medicine and Empire:Perspectives on Western Medicine and the Experience of European Expansion(London:Routledge,1988);Teresa Meade and Mark Walker,Science,Medicine,and Cultural Imperialism(New York:St.Martin’s Press,1991)。
1700792661 [64] 例如,Philip D.Curtin,Death by Migration:Europe’s Encounter with the Tropical World in the Nineteenth Century; K.David Patterson, Pandemic Influenza,1700—1900:A Study in Historical Epidemiology(Totowa,NJ:Rowman & Littlefield,1986);Dennis Carlson,African Fever:A Study of British Science,Technology,and Politics in West Africa,1787—1864(New York:Science History,1984);Maryinez Lyons,The Colonial Disease:A Social History of Sleeping Sickness in Northern Zaire,1900—1940(New York:Cambridge University Press,1992);Armando Solórzano,“The Rockefeller Foundation in Mexico:Nationalism,Public Health,and Yellow Fever(1911—1924),” PhD dissertation,University of Wisconsin,1990。
1700792663 [65] 关于公共卫生史的史料编纂学方面的讨论,见Charles Rosenberg,“The History of Disease:Now and in the Future,” in Lloyd Stevenson,ed.,A Celebration of Medical History(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1982);Gerald Grob,“The Social History of Medicine and Disease in America:Problems and Possibilities,” Journal of Social History 10(1977):391—409;Judith W.Leavitt,“Medicine in Context:A Review Essay of the History of Medicine,” American Historical Review 95(1990):1471—1484;Ronald L.Numbers,“The History of American Medicine:A Field in Ferment,” Reviews in American History 10(1982):245—263;Edwin Clarke,Modern Methods in the History of Medicine(London:Athlone Press,1977)。该领域有价值的文集包括Charles Rosenberg,ed.,Healing and History(New York:Neale Watson,1979);Judith Walzer Leavitt and Ronald L.Numbers,eds.,Sickness and Health in America(Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1985);Elizabeth Fee and Daniel M.Fox,eds.,AIDS:The Burdens of History(Berkeley:University of California Press,1988);Charles E.Rosenberg and Janet Golden,eds.,Framing Disease:Studies in Cultural History(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1992);Andrew Wear,ed.,Medicine in Society:Historical Essays(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1992)。
1700792665 [66] 例见,Barbara G.Rosenkrantz,Public Health and the State:Changing Views in Massachusetts,1842—1936(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1972);Judith Walzer Leavitt,The Healthiest City:Milwaukee and the Politics of Health Reform(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1982);Stuart Galishoff,Newark:The Nation’s Unhealthiest City,1832—1895(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1988);Stuart Galishoff,Safeguarding the Public Health:Newark,1895—1918(Westport,CT:Greenwood Press,1975);James H.Cassedy,Charles V.Chapin and the Public Health Movement(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1962);John Duffy,Sword of Pestilence:The New Orleans Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1853(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1966);John Duffy,A History of Public Health in New York City,2 vols.(New York:Russell Sage Foundation,1968—1974);Philip D.Jordan,The People’s Health:A History of Public Health in Minnesota to 1948(St.Paul:Minnesota Historical Society,1953);Jacqueline K.Corn,Environment and Health in Nineteenth Century America:Two Case Studies(New York:Peter Lang,1989);J.W.Estes and David M.Goodman,The Changing Humors of Portsmouth:The Medical Biography of an American Town,1623—1983(Boston:Countway Library,1986);Michael P.McCarthy,Typhoid and the Politics of Public Health in Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia(Philadelphia:American Philosophical Society,1987);Edward T.Morman,“Scientific Medicine Comes to Philadelphia:Public Health Transformed,1854—1899,”PhD dissertation,University of Pennsylvania,1986。另见Heather MacDougall,Activists and Advocates:Toronto’s Health Department,1883—1983(Toronto:Dundern Press,1990)。
1700792667 [67] John Duffy,The Sanitarians:A History of American Public Health(Urbana:University of Illinois Press,1990).
1700792669 [68] Fitzhugh Mullan,Plagues and Politics:The Story of the United States Public Health Service(New York:Basic Books,1989); Elizabeth W.Etheridge,Sentinel for Health:A History of the Centers for Disease Control(Berkeley:University of California Press,1992); Victoria Harden,Inventing the NIH:Federal Biomedical Research Policy,1887—1931(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1986); E.Richard Brown,Rockefeller Medicine Men:Medicine and Capitalism in America(Berkeley:University of California Press,1979); John Ettling,The Germ of Laziness:Rockefeller Philanthropy and Public Health in the New South(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1981); Elizabeth Fee,Disease and Discovery:A History of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health,1916—1939(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1987); Robert R.Korstad,Dreaming of a Time:The School of Public Health; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,1939—1989(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina,1990); Paul A.Bator with Andrew J.Rhodes,Within Reach of Everyone:A History of the University of Toronto School of Hygiene and the Connaught Laboratories(Ottawa:Canadian Public Health Association,1990); Elizabeth Fee and Roy M.Acheson,eds.,A History of Education in Public Health:Health That Mocks the Doctors’ Rules(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991),especially the essay by Arthur J.Viseltear,“The Emergence of Pioneering Public Health Education Programmes in the United States,” 114—154.
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