1701121371 [46] Caillet,L’évergétisme monumental chrétien ,372:一座位于艾莫娜(卢布尔雅那)的洗礼堂的镶嵌画铭文。
1701121373 [47] I.Schrüfer-Kolb,Roman Iron Production in Britain:Technological and Socioeconomic Landscape Development along the Jurassic Ridge ,British Archaeological Reports 380 (Oxford:Archaeopress,2004);R.E. Leader-Newby,Silver and Society in Late Antiquity:Functions and Meanings of Silver Plate in the Fourth to Seventh Centuries (Aldershot:Ashgate,2003),82-88.
1701121375 [48] E. Magnani,“Almsgiving,donatio pro anima and Eucharistic Offering in the Early Middle Ages of Western Europe (4th-9th Century),” in Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions ,ed.M. Frenkel and Y. Lev,Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients,n. F. 22 (Berlin:de Gruyter,2009),111-21;以及同一作者的“Du don aux églises au don pour le salut de l’ame enOccident (IVe -XIe siècle):Le paradigme eucharistique,” in Pratiques de l’eucharistie dans les églises d’Orient et Occident (Antiquité et Moyen Âge) ,ed. N. Bériou,B. Caseau,and D. Rigaux (Paris:Institut d’études Augustiniennes,2009),1021-42.
1701121377 [49] P. Brown,Poverty and Leadership in the Later Roman Empire ,Menahem Stern Jerusalem Lectures (Hanover,NH:University Press of New England,2002),16-26.
1701121379 [50] Cyprian,De ecclesiae catholicae unitate 25;De lapsis 6 and 35;De opere et eleemosynis 2.9 and 26.
1701121381 [51] Cyprian,Letters 22.2,5.1,7,10.5,14.2. 对这些书信很好的翻译和评注参见G.W. Clarke,The Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage ,vol. 1,Ancient Christian Writers 43 (New York:Newman Press,1984)。
1701121383 [52] G.Schöllgen,Ecclesia Sordida?Zur Frage der sozialen Schichtung frühchristlicher Gemeinden am Beispiel Karthagos zur Zeit Tertullians ,Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum:Ergänzungsband 12 (Münster:Aschendorff,1984).
1701121385 [53] M.M. Sage,Cyprian ,Patristic Monographs Series 1 (Cambridge,MA:Philadelphia Patristic Foundation,1975),329;H. Chadwick,The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001),106. See now J. P. Burns,Cyprian the Bishop (London:Routledge,2002),16-20;C. García Mac Gaw,Le problème du baptêmedans le schisme donatiste ,Scripta Antiqua 21 (Bordeaux:Ausonius,2008):46-49;and P. Bernardini,Un solo battesimo,una sola chiesa:Il concilio di Cartagine del settembre 256 (Bologna:Mulino,2009),65-125.
1701121387 [54] Cyprian,De habitu virginum 11.
1701121389 [55] Cyprian,De dominica oratione 32;Letter 24.1.
1701121391 [56] Cyprian,Letter 62.
1701121393 [57] Clarke,The Letters of St. Cyprian 1:165.
1701121395 [58] Eusebius,Ecclesiastical History 6.43.11.
1701121397 [59] 例如,Codex Theodosianus 16.2.14确认了教师阶层享有交易税豁免是合法的。特别参见Brown,Poverty and Leadership ,29-32;C. Corbo,Paupertas:La legislazione tardoantica (Naples:Satura,2006),114-38;and C. Freu,Les figures du pauvre dans les sources italiennes de l’antiquité tardive (Paris:Boccard,2007),174-77。
1701121399 [60]Codex Theodosianus 16.2.6;Lizzi Testa,“Privilegi economici e definizione di status ,” 71.
1701121401 [61] Ammianus Marcellinus,Res gestae 27.2.15,Rolfe,3:20,Hamilton,336.
1701121403 [62] R.A.Kaster,Guardians of Language:The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity (Berkeley:University of California Press,1988),133.
1701121405 [63]Council of Serdica ,canon 13 [Latin]=10 [Greek],trans. H. Hess,The Early Development of Canon Law and the Council of Serdica (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002),220,232.新的研究参见P.-G. Delage,“Le canon 13 de Sardique ou Les inquietudes d’évêques d’origine modeste,” in Les Pères de l’Église et la voix des pauvres ,ed. P.-G. Delage (La Rochelle:Histoire et Culture,2006),55-74。
1701121407 [64] M.R. Salzman,The Making of a Christian Aristocracy:Social and Religious Change in the Western Roman Empire (Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,2002),69-137,178-99.对这些结论的统计学基础的异议,尤其是这些结论对妇女在贵族阶层皈依中所扮演的角色的影响,参见R.W. Mathisen,“The Christianization of theLate Roman Senatorial Order:Circumstances and Scholarship,” International Journal of the Classical Tradition 9 (2002):257-78 at pp. 265-67,连同12 (2005):123-37中Salzman的反驳,以及14 (2007):123-47中Mathisen的回应。同样参见T. D. Barnes,“Statistics and the Conversion of the Roman Aristocracy,” Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995):135-47;以及Veyne,Quand notre monde est devenu chrétien ,185-97,When Our World Became Christian ,98-106。
1701121409 [65]Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres ,no. 1753.1.
1701121411 [66] Lactantius,Divine Institutes 5.19.32,6.24.14,trans. A. Bowen and P. Garnsey (Liverpool:Liverpool University Press,2003),323,385.
1701121413 [67] S. Diefenbach,Römische Erinnerungsräume:Heiligenmemoria und kollektive Identitäten im Rom des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. ,Millennium-Studien 11 (Berlin:de Gruyter,2007),38-80.
1701121415 [68] Schwartz,Were the Jews a Mediterranean Society? 18,31n19.
1701121417 [69] 例如,M.T. Griffin,Seneca:A Philosopher in Politics (Oxford:Clarendon Press,1976),315-66;J.A. Francis,Subversive Virtue:Asceticism and Authority in the Second-Century Pagan World (University Park:Pennsylvania University Press,1995),1-19;Veyne,L’empire gréco romaine ,ch. 11,“Passions,perfection et ame matérielle dans l’utopie stoïcienne,” 683-712 at pp.693-95。
1701121419 [70] J. Bodel,“From Columbaria to Catacombs:Collective Burial in Pagan and Christian Rome,” in Commemorating the Dead:Texts and Artifacts in Context. Studies of Roman,Jewish,andChristian Burials ,ed. L. Brink and D. Green (Berlin:de Gruyter,2008),177-242 at p. 219.
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