1701499703 (89) “内在自由要求两点:在一个给定的情况下把握住自己(animus sui compos )和做自己的主人(imperium in semetipsum ),这就是说,驯服自己的激情和统治自己的情欲。”参见Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals , trans. and ed. Mary Gregor (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996) [Ger. orig., Metaphysik der Sitten , 1797], 166。
1701499705 (90) Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View , 151.(中译见[德]康德:《实用人类学(外两种)》[注释本],李秋零译注,第134页。)
1701499707 (91) 自2009年以来,牛津大学的一个研究小组(现在的普林斯顿高等研究院)就一直在研究这些问题。该小组最初以古代史学家安戈洛斯· 查尼奥蒂斯(Angelos Chaniotis)为中心,见The Social and Cultural Construction of Emotions: The Greek Paradigm 。这个小组研究成果的第一卷,见Angelos Chaniotis (ed.), Sources and Methods for the Study of Emotions in the Greek World (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2012)。
1701499709 (92) 关于亚里士多德,见Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, “Structuring Rhetoric”, in Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (ed.), Essays on Aristotle’s Rhetoric (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996), 1—33, here 18—19; Konstan, Emotions of the Ancient Greeks , 22。
1701499711 (93) Pascal Eitler, “The ‘Origin’ of Emotions—Sensitive Humans, Sensitive Animals”, in Frevert et al., Emotional Lexicons , 91—117, here 95.
1701499713 (94) Pascal Eitler, “The ‘Origin’ of Emotions—Sensitive Humans, Sensitive Animals”, in Frevert et al., Emotional Lexicons , 98.
1701499715 (95) Pascal Eitler, “The ‘Origin’ of Emotions—Sensitive Humans, Sensitive Animals”, in Frevert et al., Emotional Lexicons , 99—105, 109.
1701499717 (96) Catrin Misselhorn, “Empathy and Dyspathy with Androids: Philosophical, Fictional and(Neuro-) Psychological Perspectives”, Konturen , 2 (2009), 101—123, here 101—102.也见Thomas Thiel, “Fühlt die Maschine? Die Androidenrobotik an der Grenze zur Utopie”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (7 July 2010), N4; Wolfgang Gessner, Gesine Lenore Schiewer, and Alex Ringenbach, “Why Androids Will Have Emotions: Constructing Human-Like Actors and Communicators Based on Exact Sciences of the Mind”, in Denis Lalanne and Jürg Kohlas (eds.), Human Machine Interaction:Research Results of the MMI Program (Heidelberg: Springer, 2009), 133—163。
1701499719 (97) Mel Slater et al., “A Virtual Reprise of the Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiments”,PLoS ONE , 1/1 (2006), e39, here 1.
1701499721 (98) 转引自Misselhorn, “Empathy and Dyspathy with Androids”, 103。
1701499723 (99) Masahiro Mori, “The Uncanny Valley”, trans. Karl F. MacDorman and Norri Kageki, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine , 19/2 (2012), 98—100 [ Jap. orig., “Bukimi no tani”, 1970].
1701499725 (100) Catrin Misselhorn, “Empathy with Inanimate Objects and the Uncanny Valley”, Mind and Machines , 19/3 (2009), 349—359, here 357.
1701499727 (101) Anne S. Straus, “Northern Cheyenne Ethnopsychology”, Ethos , 5/3 (1977), 326—357,here 341—342.
1701499729 (102) 这种做法在新王国时期(约公元前1569—前1076)最为普遍,见Ann Rosalie David, “Mummification”, in Donald B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt , ii (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 439—444, here 440—441。
1701499731 (103) Joseph LeDoux, “Brains Through the Back Door”, in John Brockman (ed.), Curious Minds: How a Child Becomes a Scientist (New York: Pantheon Books, 2004), 142.
1701499733 (104) Fred R. Myers, Pintupi Country, Pintupi Self: Sentiment, Place, and Politics among Western Desert Aborigines (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986), 107.
1701499735 (105) Ning Yu, “Body and Emotion: Body Parts in Chinese Expression of Emotion”,Pragmatics and Cognition , 10/1 (2002), 341—367, here 343.
1701499737 (106) Ning Yu, “Body and Emotion: Body Parts in Chinese Expression of Emotion”,Pragmatics and Cognition , 10/1 (2002), 341—367, here 345.
1701499739 (107) Ning Yu, “Metaphorical Expressions of Anger and Happiness in English and Chinese”,Metaphor and Symbolic Activity , 10/2 (1995), 59—92, here 79.也见Zoltán Kövecses, Metaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Feeling (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 172。
1701499741 (108) Monica Juneja, “Visualising Emotional States in Indian Court Painting of the Early Modern Period”,在柏林马克斯· 普朗克人类发展研究所的演讲(2009年6月8日);Monica Juneja, “Translating the Body into Image: The Body Politic and Visual Practice at the Mughal Court during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”, in Michaels and Wulf (eds.),Images of the Body in India , 235—260, here 239, 243。
1701499743 (109) William M. Reddy, The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 101.
1701499745 (110) Robert Levy, Tahitians: Mind and Experience in the Society Islands (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973), 271.
1701499747 (111) René Descartes, The Passions of the Soul , trans. Stehen M. Voss (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1989) [Fr. orig., Les Passions de l’âme , 1649], 50.
1701499749 (112) Gardiner, Metcalf, and Beebe-Center, Feeling and Emotion , 222.
1701499751 (113) 关于这种反馈机制,见Jan Plamper, “The History of Emotions: An Interview with William Reddy, Barbara H. Rosenwein, and Peter Stearns”, History and Theory , 49/2 (2010), 237—265, esp. 242。
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