1701562940 8.Aristotle and Plato quotes: We thank Tamar Gendler for these quotes.
1701562942 9.Frederick refers:S. Frederick (2005). “Cognitive Reflection and Decision Making.”Journal of Economic Perspectives19(4): 25–42.
1701562944 10.They make fewer errors and are less likely to fall for tricks: K. Stanovich (2011).Rationality and the Reflective Mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
1701562946 11.Profound versus random words: G. Pennycook, J. A. Cheyne, N. Barr, D. J. Koehler, and J. A. Fugelsang (2015). “On the Reception and Detection of Pseudo-profound Bullshit.”Judgment and Decision Making10(6): 549–563.
1701562948 12.bigger reward: S. Frederick (2005). “Cognitive Reflection and Decision Making.”Journal of Economic Perspectives19(4): 25–42.
1701562950 13.Dark versus milk chocolate: Shane Frederick, personal communication.
1701562952 14.Belief in God: A. Shenhav, D. G. Rand, and J. D. Greene (2012). “Divine Intuition: Cognitive Style Influences Belief in God.”Journal of Experimental Psychology: General141(3): 423–428. For a review, see G. Pennycook (2014). “Evidence That Analytic Cognitive Style Influences Religious Belief: Comment On.”Intelligence43: 21–26.
1701562954 15.CRT predicts illusion of explanatory depth: P. M. Fernbach, S. A. Sloman, R. St. Louis, and J. N. Shube (2013). “Explanation Fiends and Foes: How Mechanistic Detail Determines Understanding and Preference.”Journal of Consumer Research39(5): 1115–1131.
1701562956 第五章 身体记忆卡和世界存储器
1701562958 1.Minsky quote:Wired Magazine, Issue 11:08, August 2003. archive.wired.com/wired/archive/11.08/view.html?pg=3.
1701562960 2.GOFAI: J. Haugeland (1989).Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
1701562962 3.Frame problem: For a philosophical analysis, see H. L. Dreyfus (2007). “Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing It Would Require Making It More Heideggerian.”Philosophical Psychology20(2): 247–268.
1701562964 4.Rodney Brooks’s tic-tac-toe game: www.bostonmagazine.com/news/article/2014/10/28/rodney-brooks-robotics.
1701562966 5.Reading text with an eye tracker: Reviewed in P. S. Churchland, V. S. Ramachandran, and T. J. Sejnowski (1994). “A Critique of Pure Vision.” In ed. C. Koch and J. L. Davis,Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 23–60.
1701562968 6.“outside memory store”: J. K. O’Regan (1992). “Solving the ‘Real’ Mysteries of Visual Perception: The World as an Outside Memory.”Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie46(3): 461–488.
1701562970 7.What experimenters were wearing: E. S. Parker, L. Cahill, and J. L. McGaugh (2006). “A Case of Unusual Autobiographical Remembering.”Neurocase12 (1): 35–49.
1701562972 8.calculating trajectories: A strategy like this for catching balls (to solve what vision scientists call the outfielder problem) was proposed by B. V. H. Saxberg (1987). “Projected Free Fall Trajectories. I. Theory and Simulation.”Biological Cybernetics: 56(2–3): 159–175.
1701562974 9.angle is always increasing at a constant rate: A strategy first suggested by S. Chapman (1968). “Catching a Baseball.”American Journal of Physics36(10): 868–870.
1701562976 10.players catching real balls: P. McLeod and Z. Dienes (1993). “Running to Catch the Ball.”Nature362(6415): 23; P. McLeod and Z. Dienes (1996). “Do Fielders Know Where to Go to Catch the Ball or Only How to Get There?”Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance22(3): 531–543.
1701562978 11.chasing virtual balls: P. W. Fink, P. S. Foo, and W. H. Warren (2009). “Catching Fly Balls in Virtual Reality: A Critical Test of the Outfielder Problem.”Journal of Vision9(13): 14.
1701562980 12.the side with the faster flow: A. P. Duchon and W. H. Warren Jr. (2002). “A Visual Equalization Strategy for Locomotor Control: Of Honeybees, Robots, and Humans.”Psychological Science13(3): 272–278.
1701562982 13.Bees … slower optic flow: M. V. Srinivasan, M. Lehrer, W. H. Kirchner, and S. W. Zhang (1991). “Range Perception Through Apparent Image Speed in Freely Flying Honeybees.”Visual Neuroscience6(5): 519–535.
1701562984 14.it’s in the brain: We were inspired to ask this question and present the material this way by a talk entitled “Cognitive Ethnography” by Edwin Hutchins at the Cognitive Science Society conference that took place in Boston in 2003. A more recent articulation of Hutchins’s views about the relation between cognition, culture, and the environment can be found in E. Hutchins (2014). “The Cultural Ecosystem of Human Cognition.”Philosophical Psychology27(1): 34–49.
1701562986 15.Experiment to judge orientation: M. Tucker and R. Ellis (1998). “On the Relations Between Seen Objects and Components of Potential Actions.”Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance24(3): 830–846.
1701562988 16.memorization techniques: C. L. Scott, R. J. Harris, and A. R. Rothe (2001). “Embodied Cognition Through Improvisation Improves Memory for a Dramatic Monologue.”Discourse Processes31(3): 293–305.
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