1702910200 [134]F.A.Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty:The Definitive Edition(Chi-cago:University of Chicago Press,2011),p.57.
1702910202 [135]Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, p.148.第六章中更加普遍。威廉·格雷厄姆·萨姆纳(William Graham Sumner)对自由也持类似的看法。参见Robert C.Bannister, ed.,On Liberty, Society, and Politics:The Essential Essays of William Graham Sumner(Indianapolis:Liberty Fund,1992);William Graham Sumner, The Forgotten Man and Other Essays(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press,1919)。
1702910204 [136]也可参见Brian Barry, Why Social Justice Matters(Malden, MA:Polity Press,2005);Michael Walzer, Spheres of Justice:A Defense of Pluralism and Equality(New York:Basic Books,1983)。凯利强调在自由主义中促进对进步自由主义者的机会平等的重要性。
1702910206 [137]Dworkin, A Matter of Principle, pp.4,179;Rawls, A Theory of Justice.
1702910208 [138]Dworkin, A Matter of Principle, p.188.
1702910210 [139]关于冷战时期社会科学家如何为美国服务的讨论,参见Joy Rohde, Armed with Expertise:The Militarization of American Social Research during the Cold War(Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press,2013);Mark Solovey and Hamilton Cravens, eds.,Cold War Science:Knowledge Production, Liberal De-mocracy, and Human Nature(New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2012)。
1702910212 [140]罗尔斯不愿意接受国家,这体现在《万民法》中,他故意避免把注意力集中在通常被认为是国际政治主要行动者的国家身上,相反,他主要谈论的是通常不被国际关系学者重视的人民。
1702910214 [141]参见Gary Gerstle, Liberty and Coercion:The Paradox of American Government from the Founding to the Present(Princeton, NJ:Princeton Universi-ty Press,2015),它描述了美国干预主义国家的力量随着时间的推移而不断增强,以及权宜自由主义如何以有限的方式影响它。
1702910216 [142]Michael McGerr, A Fierce Discontent:The Rise and Fall of the Progres-sive Movementin America,1870—1920(New York:Oxford University Press,2003);Charles Postel, The Populist Vision(New York:Oxford University Press,2007);Stephen Skowronek, Stephen M.Engel, and Bruce Ackerman, eds.,The Progressives’Century:Political Reform, Constitutional Government, and the Modern American State(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press,2016);Alan Trachtenberg, The Incorporation of America:Culture and Society in the Gilded Age(New York:Hill and Wang,1982);Robert H.Wiebe, The Search for Or-der,1877—1920(New York:Hill and Wang,1967).
1702910218 [143]David Burner, Herbert Hoover:A Public Life(New York:Knopf,1978);Ellis W.Hawley,“Neo-institutional History and the Understanding of Herbert Hoover,”in Understanding Herbert Hoover:Ten Perspectives, ed.Lee Nash(Stanford, CA:Hoover Institution Press,1987),pp.65—84;Glen Jean-sonne, Herbert Hoover:A Life(New York:New American Library,2016);Joan Hoff Wilson, Herbert Hoover:Forgotten Progressive(Long Grove, IL:Waveland Press,1992).
1702910220 [144]Alan Brinkley, The End of Reform:New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War(New York:Knopf,1995);Alan Brinkley, Liberalism and Its Discon-tents(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1998),chap.7;David Ciep-ley, Liberalism in the Shadow of Totalitarianism(Cambridge, MA:Harvard Uni-versity Press,2006);Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform:From Bryan to F.D.R.(New York:Knopf,1981).
1702910222 [145]Rick Unger,“Who Is the Smallest Government Spender since Eisenhow-er?Would You Believe It’s Barack Obama?,”Forbes, May 24,2012.克里斯托弗·费里西(Christopher Faricy)写道,当他考察1967年至2006年间的直接和间接政府开支时,他发现“统计上没有确凿证据表明,联邦政府的民主控制导致社会总开支达到更高水平”。Christopher Faricy,“The Politics of Social Poli-cy in America:The Causes and Effects of Indirect versus Direct Social Spending,”Journal of Politics 73,no.1(January 2011):74.也可参见Robert X.Browning,“Presidents, Congress, and Policy Outcomes:U.S.Social Welfare Expendi-tures,1949—77,”American Journal of Political Science 29,no.2(May 1985):197—216;Andrew C.Pickering and James Rockey,“Ideology and the Size of US State Government,”Public Choice 156,nos.3/4(September 2013):443—465。
1702910224 [146]引自Henry Olsen,“Here’s How Ronald Reagan Would Fix the GOP’s Health-Care Mess,”Washington Post, June 22,2017。
1702910226 [147]Libertarian Party,“2016 Platform,”adopted May 2016,https://www.lp.org/platform/.自由党对“个人主权”的强调说明了它对国家的怀疑有多深,如果不是敌视的话。主权意味着谁拥有最高权力,也即意味着如果个人“对自己的生活拥有主权”,那么个人将拥有最终的权威来批准或不批准国家作出的每一项决定。从定义上讲,这种情况几乎不可能使一个主权国家能够有效地统治个人。Mariya Grinberg,“Indivisible Sovereignty:Delegation of Authority and Exit Option”(unpublished paper, University of Chicago, April 24,2017).
1702910228 [148]Walter Lippmann, Drift and Mastery:An Attempt to Diagnose the Cur-rent Unrest(Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall,1961),p.147.
1702910230 [149]John Dewey, The Public and Its Promises:An Essay in Political Inquiry(University Park:Pennsylvania State University Press,2012),p.94.关于这种现象的更详细的讨论,请参见第四章。也请参见Gillis J.Harp, Positivist Republic:Auguste Comte and the Reconstruction of American Liberalism,1865—1920(Uni-versity Park:Pennsylvania State University Press,1995)。
1702910232 [150]英国是第一个以严肃的方式实现工业化的国家,并且在工业化的早期阶段,深度参与到经济管理之中。参见Peer Vries, State, Economy and the Great Divergence:Great Britain and China,1650s—1850s(New York:Blooms-bury Academic,2015)。19世纪晚期,工业革命以强大的力量冲击美国时,美国政府也发挥了类似的作用。然而,这个国家的影响力在整个19世纪都有了实质性的增长。参见Brian Balogh, A Government Out of Sight:The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America(New York:Cambridge Univer-sity Press,2009)。
1702910234 [151]Bernard E.Harcourt, The Illusion of Free Markets:Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,2011).
1702910236 [152]参见丹尼尔·德德尼(Daniel Deudney)关于核武器如何增强国家间的“暴力相互依赖”的讨论,这对国内和国际政治都有重大影响。Deudney, Bounding Power:Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2007).
1702910238 [153]Jennifer Mittelstadt, The Rise of the Military Welfare State(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,2015).
1702910240 [154]Morris Janowitz, Social Control of the Welfare State(New York:Elsevi-er,1976),pp.37—38.也见Ellis W.Hawley, The Great War and the Search for a Modern Order:A History of the American People and Their Institutions,1917—1933(New York:St.Martin’s Press,1979)。
1702910242 [155]Irwin F.Gellman, The President and the Apprentice:Eisenhower and Nixon,1952—1961(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press,2015),p.478.
1702910244 [156]这段中所有的引用都出自Mary L.Dudziak, Cold War Civil Rights:Race and the Image of American Democracy(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2000),p.12。也可参见Thomas Borstelmann, The Cold War and the Color Line:American Race Relations in the Global Arena(Cambridge, MA:Har-vard University Press,2001)。
1702910246 [157]Alexander Keyssar, The Right to Vote:The Contested History of Democ-racy in the United States(New York:Basic Books,2000),p.xxi.
1702910248 [158]Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers:The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1992),pp.59—60.
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