1702916775 [55] Lauterpacht,Borchard,and Morrison,“The Problem of Non-Recognition,” 136.
1702916777 [56] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Forbes),telegram,January 7,1932,in U.S. Department of State,Peace and War:United States Foreign Policy,1931-1941 (Washington,DC:U.S. Government Printing Office,1983),159-60.
1702916779 [57] Henry L. Stimson,“The Pact of Paris:Three Years of Development,” Foreign Affairs 11,no. 1 (October 1932). 该演讲在1932年8月发表,同年10月在《外交》(Foreign Affairs)杂志上再度发表。
1702916781 [58] Felix Frankfurter to HLS,August 11,1932,reel 83,HSP YUL.
1702916783 [59] 国联根据《国际联盟盟约》第十条接受了这条新途径。《国际联盟盟约》第十条规定,成员国承诺“尊重和保护……所有[其他]成员的领土完整和现有的政治独立”。一般参见Joseph Peter Andrew O’Mahoney,“Denying the Spoils of War?:The Politics of the Nonrecognition of Aggressive Gain” (PhD diss.,George Washington University,2012),117,Proquest (UMI 3524049)。《非战公约布达佩斯解释条款》(The Budapest Articles of Interpretation of the Pact of Paris)中有一项类似的声明:“[非战公约]签署国无权在法律上承认由于违反《非战公约》而事实上获得的任何领土或其他利益。”参见International Law Association,“The Effect of the Briand-Kellogg Pact of Paris on International Law,” in Report of the Thirty-Eighth Conference Held at Budapest in the Hungarian Academy of Science (London:Eastern Press,1935),6。也可参见 Quincy Wright,“The Legal Foundation of the Stimson Doctrine,” Pacific Affairs 8,no. 4 (December 1935)。
1702916785 [60] League of Nations,Report of the League Assembly on the Manchurian Dispute (Nanking:International Relations Committee,1933),79.
1702916787 [61] “Measures Proposed by the Advisory Committee in Connection with the Non-Recognition of ‘Manchukuo,’” in “Records of the Special Session of the Assembly Convened in Virtue of Article 15 of the Covenant at the Request of the Chinese Government,” LNOJ,Special Supplement,No. 113 (1933):10-13.也可参见O’Mahoney,“Denying the Spoils of War?,” 137-38;Westel W. Willoughby,The Sino-Japanese Controversy and the League of Nations (Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1935),522-32。
1702916789 [62] 在退出国联12年之后,阿根廷于1933年重新加入。苏联、阿富汗和厄瓜多尔于1934年加入,墨西哥于1937年加入。它们加入国联之后,就受到了国联规则的约束。
1702916791 [63] Pitt Cobbett,Cases on International Law,5th ed.,Vol. 2 (London:Sweet & Maxwell 1937),1.
1702916793 [64] John Bassett Moore,Digest of International Law (Washington,DC:U.S. Government Printing Office,1906).
1702916795 [65] 参见,例如Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War:Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives on H.J. Res. 93,73rd Cong.,1st Sess. (March 28,1933),12-13(耶鲁大学国际法教授埃德温·M.伯查德的声明);Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War:Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives on H.J. Res. 93,73rd Cong.,1st Sess. (March 28,1933),14-17 (letter from John Bassett Moore,read by Borchard);John Bassett Moore,“The New Isolation,” American Journal of International Law 27,no. 4 (October 1933);John Bassett Moore,“An Appeal to Reason,” Foreign Affairs 11,no. 4 (July 1933);John Bassett Moore,“Fifty Years of International Law,” Harvard Law Review 50,no. 3 (January 1937);Edwin M. Borchard,“The Arms Embargo and Neutrality,” American Journal of International Law 27,no. 2 (April 1933);Edwin M. Borchard,“Sanctions v. Neutrality,” American Journal of International Law 30,no. 1 (January 1936);Edwin M. Borchard and William Potter Lage,Neutrality for the United States (New Haven:Yale University Press 1937).
1702916797 [66] 例如,将成为中立法变革进程中一个重要人物的赫希·劳特派特对于国际中立法已经发生改变的观点持更为谨慎的态度。迟至1935年,他还未接受史汀生的观点,即国际中立法因《非战公约》已经发生改变。参见,例如Lassa Oppenheim,International Law,5th ed.,Vol. 2,ed. Hersch Lauterpacht (London:Longmans,Green and Co.,1935),516-17。然而,到20世纪30年代末,他转变了态度,同意中立法已经发生改变的观点。
1702916799 [67] International Law Association,“Effect of the Briand-Kellogg Pact,” 11.
1702916801 [68] International Law Association,“Effect of the Briand-Kellogg Pact,”5-6.
1702916803 [69] 参见,例如Quincy Wright and Clyde Eagleton,“Neutrality and Neutral Rights Following the Pact of Paris for the Renunciation of War,” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting 24 (April 1930):79-89;Quincy Wright,“How Should the Neutrality Act of August 31,1935,Be Revised?,” Georgetown Law Journal 24 (1935-1936):420-21。赖特和莱文森的关系很好。赖特的妻子路易斯(Louise)是伊利诺伊州妇女选民联盟防止战争国际合作部(League of Women Voters’ Department of International Cooperation to Prevent War)的部长,该组织曾与莱文森合作,共同研究非法化战争。昆西·赖特还将在纽伦堡战争罪审判中担任美国国际法顾问。参见 Quincy Wright,“The Law of the Nuremberg Trial,” American Journal of International Law 41,no. 1 (January 1947):38-72。
1702916805 [70] Quincy Wright,“The Future of Neutrality,” International Conciliation 12 (September 1928):357-58.
1702916807 [71] 这一时期《美国国际法杂志》(American Journal of International Law)充斥着关于中立法的细微差别的文章。在一些合订本中,有超过一半的文章是关于这个主题的。然而,伯查德仍然一如既往地坚持他传统的中立观点。参见Edwin Borchard,review of Draft Convention on Rights and Duties of Neutral States in Naval and Aerial War,by Research in International Law at the Harvard Law School,Tulane Law Review 15 (1940-1941):640-41。
1702916809 [72]Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War,73rd Cong. 1st Sess.,17 (letter from Moore,read by Borchard).
1702916811 [73]Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War,73rd Cong. 1st Sess.,19 (Borchard responding to Rep. Tinkham).
1702916813 [74] Wright,“The Future of Neutrality.”
1702916815 [75] Neutrality Act of 1935,49 Stat. 1081 (1935).
1702916817 [76] 10月3日,意大利入侵埃塞俄比亚。10月7日,国联发布《第十三委员会报告》(“Report of the Committee of Thirteen”),宣布意大利为侵略者。参见“Seventh Meeting (Public),Eighty-Ninth Session of the Council,” LNOJ,Vol. 16,No. 11 (November 1935),1217-26。更多关于这场战争以及国联对此反应的详细讨论,参见John H. Spencer,“The Italian-Ethiopian Dispute and the League of Nations,” American Journal of International Law 31,no. 4 (October 1937):614-41。
1702916819 [77] Willoughby,The Sino-Japanese Controversy,532.
1702916821 [78] Willoughby,The Sino-Japanese Controversy,533.
1702916823 [79] M. J. Bonn,“How Sanctions Failed,” Foreign Affairs 15,no. 2 (1937):350-61.也可参见George Baer,Test Case:Italy,Ethiopia,and the League of Nations (Stanford,CA:Hoover Institution Press,1976),Ch. 2。
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