1703125767 在我国社会学界,自从20世纪30年代吴文藻、费孝通等燕京大学社会学系师生将“community”译为“社区”以来,这一概念也得到了广泛的运用。按照费孝通的说法,“社会是泛指人和人在经营共同生存时所发生的关系,而社区则是指人们在一定地域里经营集体生活的共同体。这个共同体是在一定时间和一定空间内,由一定的人口进行集体生活时有一定社会组织的具体人群,例如村落、乡镇、城市、民族、国家等是不同层次的人们的共同体,也就是所谓社区”。参见费孝通主编:《中华民族多元一体格局》,北京:中央民族大学出版社,2018,第47页。
1703125769 总的来看,尽管“社区”概念的具体涵义至今众说纷纭,但学者们对其的界定,主要是从地域空间和功能(尤其是共同的互动性和归属性)的角度入手。本书作者在全书中对“community”概念的经常使用,也同样如此。我们通常将其译为“社区”,但在不同的语境当中,作者使用的这一概念,有时着眼于地域空间,有时主要用来指其内部具有成员归属感的特定人群,有时则二者兼而有之。此点请读者注意。
1703125771 (48)参见Arnold J. Heidenheimer, Michael Johnston, and Victor T. LeVine, Political Corruption: A Handbook, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1989; Edward van Roy,“On the Theory of Corruption”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol.19, No.1(1970), pp. 86-110; Anne Deysine,“Political Corruption: A Review of the Literature”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol.21, No.2(1980), pp. 447-462; Robin Theobald, Corruption, Development and Underdevelopment, Durham: Duke University Press, 1990。
1703125773 (49)出于某种原因,中国学者的研究成果尚未反映出这一学术转向。他们近年来发表的文章仍然将衙门吏役的普遍贪腐视为中华帝国晚期的体制在道德方面整体败坏的象征,参见刘敏:《清代胥吏与官僚政治》,《厦门大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)1983年第3期,第75—82页;王廷元、魏鉴勋:《论清代蠹吏》,《辽宁大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)1989年第5期,第55—58页;吴吉远:《试论清代吏、役的作用和地位》,《清史研究》1993年第3期,第47—55页;赵世瑜:《两种不同的政治态度与明清胥吏的社会地位》,《政治学研究》1989年第1期,第50—56页。
1703125775 (50)Robin Theobald, Corruption, Development and Underdevelopment, Durham: Duke University Press, 1990, p. 11.
1703125777 (51)James C. Scott, Comparative Political Corruption, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1972, p. 4.
1703125779 (52)N. H. Leff, “Economic Development Through Bureaucratic Corruption”, American Behavioural Scientist, Vol. 8, No. 3 (1964), pp. 8-14; Samuel Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968; J. S. Nye, “Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis”, in Arnold J. Heidenheimer et al, eds., Political Corruption, A Handbook, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1978, pp. 564-578.
1703125781 (53)James C. Scott, Comparative Political Corruption, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1972, p. viii.
1703125783 (54)James C. Scott, Comparative Political Corruption, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1972, p. 2.
1703125785 (55)B. Brenan, “The Office of District Magistrate in China”, Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 32 (1897), pp. 36-65; Ernest Alabaster, “Notes on Chinese Law and Practice Preceding Revision”, Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 37 (1906), pp. 139-141.
1703125787 (56)Etienne Balazs, Political Theory and Administrative Reality in Traditional China, London: University of London, 1965, pp. 68, 73.
1703125789 (57)例如,Robert M. Marsh,“The Venality of Provincial Office in China and in Comparative Perspective”, Comparative Studies in Society, Vol.4, No.4(1962), pp. 454-466; Edgar Kiser& Tong Xiaoxi,“Determinants of the Amount and Type of Corruption in State Fiscal Bureaucracies, An Analysis of Late Imperial China”, Comparative Political Studies, Vo.25, No.3(1992), pp. 300-331。
1703125791 (58)Anne Deysine, “Political Corruption: A Review of the Literature”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 21, No. 2 (1980), pp. 447-462, 448.
1703125793 (59)James Myers, “China’s Modernization and Unhealthy Tendencies”, Comparative Politics, Vo. 21, No. 2 (1989), p. 197.
1703125795 (60)Chü T’ung-tsu, Local Government in China Under the Ch’ing, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962, p. 197。另可参见James T. C. Liu,“The Sung Views on the Control of Government Clerks”, The Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol.10, No.2-3(1967), pp. 317-344。
1703125797 (61)Chü T’ung-tsu, Local Government in China Under the Ch’ing, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962, p. 197.
1703125799 (62)Adam Y. C. Lui, Corruption in China during the Early Ch’ing Period, 1644-1660, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 1979, pp. 24-25.
1703125801 (63)Chü T’ung-tsu, Local Government in China Under the Ch’ing, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962; Chü T’ung-tsu, Law and Society in Traditional China, Paris: Mouton, 1965; Sybille van der Sprenkel, Legal Institutions in Manchu China: A Sociological Analysis, New York: Humanities Press, 1962; Derk Bodde & Clarence Morris, Law in Imperial China: Exemplified by 190 Ch’ing Dynasty Cases, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1967; Roberto M. Unger, Law in Modern Society: Toward a Criticism of Social Theory, New York: The Free Press, 1976.
1703125803 (64)William Alford,“Of Arsenic and Old Laws: Looking Anew at Criminal Justice in Late Imperial China”, California Law Review, Vol.72, No.6(1984), pp. 1180-1256; Kathryn Bernhardt & Philip C. C. Huang, eds., Civil Law in Qing and Republican China, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994; David C. Buxbaum,“Some Aspects of Civil Procedure and Practice at the Trial Level in Tanshui and Hsinchu from 1789 to 1895”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.30, No.2(1971), pp. 255-279; Philip C. C. Huang,“Between Informal Mediation and Formal Adjudication: The Third Realm of Qing Justice”, Modern China, Vo. 19, No.3(1993), pp. 216-240; Philip C. C. Huang, Civil Justice in China, Representation and Practice in the Qing, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996; Shuzo Shiga,“Criminal Procedure in the Ch’ing Dynasty, part 1”, Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, No.32(1974), pp. 1-45; Shuzo Shiga,“Criminal Procedure in the Ch’ing Dynasty, part 2”, Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, No.33(1975), pp. 115-138; Shuzo Shiga,“Criminal Procedure in the Ch’ing Dynasty, part 3”, Memoirs of the Toyo Bunko, No.34(1976), pp. 16-26; Matthew H. Sommer,“Sex, Law and Society in Late Imperial China”, Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of History, UCLA, 1994;郑秦:《清代司法审判制度研究》,长沙:湖南教育出版社,1988。
1703125805 (65)《清代巴县档案汇编》这本已整理出版的档案资料选集,为我们提供了了解衙门吏役在行政过程中经常使用各种伎俩对当地民众进行敲诈勒索的诸多例子,然而这方面的例子常常构成了此书当中有关衙门吏役的全部档案实例。这说明选编此书的中国的档案保管人员和学者们完全将衙门吏役视为贪腐之辈。参见四川省档案馆编:《清代巴县档案汇编(乾隆卷)》,北京:档案出版社,1991。
1703125807 (66)Maurice Bloch, “Introduction”, in Maurice Bloch, ed., Political Language and Oratory in Traditional Society, London: Academic Press, 1975, p. 2.
1703125809 (67)译者注:这一变动发生在清康熙四十六年(1707)巴县知县孔毓忠任内,这十二个新划分出来的下属辖区,具体为仁、义、礼、智、忠、孝、廉、洁、慈、祥、正、直等十二里。
1703125811 (68)隗瀛涛主编:《近代重庆城市史》,成都:四川大学出版社,1991,第393页。
1703125813 (69)在“冲、繁、疲、难”四字当中,巴县知县这一官职不符合的只有“疲”字(“疲”指该地有着大数额的欠税未交)。参见周询:《蜀海丛谈》,成都:巴蜀书社,1986,第82页。[译者注:清代在雍正年间正式确立了以“冲、繁、疲、难”四字来评定全国各地方官缺之等级的制度,亦即“冲”“繁”“疲”“难”四项俱全者为“最要缺”,兼有三项者为“要缺”,兼有二项者为“中缺”,具备一项或四项皆无者为“简缺”,此后不断加以发展完善,成为清代地方上最重要的选任制度之一,一直被执行到清朝灭亡。参见刘铮云:《“冲、繁、疲、难”:清代道、府、厅、州、县等级初探》,《中研院历史语言研究所集刊》第64本第1分(1993),第175—204页;张振国:《清代道、府、厅、州、县等级制度的确定》,朱诚如主编:《明清论丛》(第11辑),北京:故宫出版社,2011,第382—400页。]
1703125815 (70)隗瀛涛主编:《近代重庆城市史》,成都:四川大学出版社,1991,第395页。(译者注:英文原书在引用《近代重庆城市史》一书中的这两个人口数字时,做了约略化处理,分别写为218000和990500,今据《近代重庆城市史》一书中的数字更正。)
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