1703248901 [65]Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Yearbook 2011, 9.
1703248903 [66]Robert Johnson, “The 2012 Defense Budget Is the Highest since World War II,” Business Insider, 19 July 2011, http: //www.businessinsider.com/2012-us-defense-budget-largest-since-world-war-ii-2011-7 (accessed 25 February 2013); Kimberly Amadeo, “FY 2012 US Federal Budget,” About.com, 11 February 2012, http: //useconomy.about.com/od/usfederalbudget/p/US-Government-Federal-Budget-FY2012-Summary.htm (accessed 25 February 2013).
1703248905 [67]Global Issues, “World Military Spending,” 25 February 2007, http: //www.global issues.org/Geopolitics/ArmsTrade/Spending.asp#USMilitarySpending (accessed 23 February 2012); Christopher Hellman, “Highlights of the Fiscal Year 2008 Pentagon Spending Request,” 5 February 2007, http: //www.armscontrolcenter.org/archives/002239.php (accessed August 2010).
1703248907 [68]Joseph S.Nye Jr., Soft Power: The Means to Success in Worlds Politics (New York: Public Affairs, 2004), 5—11.
1703248909 [69]参见Joseph S.Nye Jr., “The Future of American Power,” Foreign Affairs 89, no.6 (2010): 2—14; G.John Ikenberry, Liberal Order and Imperial Ambition (Cambridge: Polity, 2006), especially 1—18; G.John Ikenberry, ed., America Unrivaled: The Future of the Balance of Power (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002); John M.Owen IV, “Transnational Liberalism and American Primacy: or, Benignity Is in the Eye of the Beholder,” in Ikenberry, ed., America Unrivaled, 239—259; Thomas Risse, “US Power in a Liberal Security, in Ikenberry, ed., America Unrivaled, 260—283。
1703248911 [70]Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Leading through Civilian Power: Redefining American Diplomacy and Development,” Foreign Affairs 89, no.6 (2010): 13—24.
1703248913 [71]Globescan/Program on International Policy Attitudes, “Global Views of United States Improves While Other Countries Decline,” BBC Views, 18 April 2010, 7; “BBC Poll: Germany the Most Popular Country in the World.”
1703248915 [72]Joel Greenberg, “Israel: Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi Pledges New Peace Efforts,” Washington Post, 31 July 2012, http: //articles.washingtonpost.com/2012-07-31/world/35489115_1_netanyahu-and-peres-president-morsi-peace-efforts (accessed 25 February 2013).
1703248917 [73]Cf.Calev Ben-David, “Israel Plans Iran Strike; Citizens Say Government Serious,” 15 August 2012, http: //www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-14/israel-plans-for-iran-strike-as-citizens-say-government-serious.html (accessed 25 February 2013).
1703248919 [74]Ian Hurd, “Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics,” International Organization 53, no.2 (1999): 379—408.
1703248921 [75]Mark Suchman, quoted in Hurd, “Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics,” 387.
1703248923 [76]Hurd, “Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics,” 381.
1703248925 [77]Ibid., 387.
1703248927 [78]Ibid., 400—403.
1703248929 [79]John W.Kingdon, Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies (Boston: Little, Brown, 1984).
1703248931 [80]Stephen D.Krasner, “Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes as Intervening Variables,” in Stephen D.Krasner, ed., International Regimes (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983), 2.
1703248933 [81]Steven Radelet, A Primer on Foreign Aid, Working Paper no.92 (Washington, DC: Center for Global Development, 2006), 5.
1703248935 [82]Simon Reich, “The Evolution of a Doctrine: The Curious Case of Kofi Annan, George Bush and the Doctrines of Preventative and Preemptive Intervention,” in William Keller and Gordon Mitchell, eds., Hitting First: Preventive Force in US Security Strategy (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006), 45—69.
1703248937 [83]“Secretary-General Reflects on ‘Intervention’ in Thirty-Fifth Annual Ditchley Foundation Lecture,” UN Press Release, SG/SM/6613, 26 June 1998, http: //www.un.org/News/Press/docs/1998/19980626.sgsm6613.html (accessed 3 July 2012); Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun, The Responsibility to Protect: A Report by the International Commission of Intervention and State Sovereignty (Ottawa: International Development Research Center, December 2001), http: //www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/iciss-ciise/pdf/Commission-Report.pdf (accessed 3 July 2012); Simon Reich, “Power, Institutions and Moral Entre-preneurs,” ZEF Discussion Papers on Development Policy 65 (Bonn: Center for Development Research [ZEF], 2003), http: //www.zef.de/publications.htm (accessed 4 November 2005); Bruce W.Jentleson, Coercive Prevention: Normative, Political and Policy Dilemmas,” Peaceworks 35 (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 2000), 20.
1703248939 [84]UN General Assembly, “2005 World Summit Outcome,” Articles 138 and 139, A/60/L.1, 15 September 2005.
1703248941 [85]Svein Atle Michelsen to the UN Security Council, “SC: Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict,” 7 July 2010, http: //www.norway-un.org/Statements/Archived-Statements/Statements-2010/Security-Council/SC-Protection-of-Civilians-in-Armed-Conflict (accessed 5 June 2013).
1703248943 [86]US National Security Council, National Security Strategy, 2010, 48.
1703248945 [87]UN Security Council, “Security Council Approves ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya, Authorizing ‘All Necessary Measures’ to Protect Civilians, by Vote of 10 in Favor with 5 Abstentions,” 17 March 2011, (accessed 16 May 2011); Evans and Sahnoun, The Responsibility to Protect; Mark Leon Goldberg, “A ‘Responsibility to Protect’ in Libya,” http: //www.undispatch.com/a-responsibility-to-protect-in-libya (accessed 16 May 2011); Irwin Cotler and Jared Genser, “Libya and the Responsibility to Protect,”New York Times, 28 February 2011, http: //www.nytimes.com/2011/03/01/opinion/01iht-edcotler01.html (accessed 16 May 2011).有关美国视角的分析,参见Bruce W.Jentleson, “The Obama Administration and R2P: Progress, Problems and Prospects,” Global Responsibility to Protect 4, no.4 (2012—13): 399—423。
1703248947 [88]Charles P.Kindleberger, The World in Depression, 1929—1939 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1973), 305.
1703248949 [89]Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics, 173—175; Ikenberry, Liberal Leviathan, 18—22.
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