1704908271 25. Ibid., pp. viii, 14, 108, 148, 165.
1704908273 26. “Religious Realism in the Twentieth Century,” in D. C. Macintosh, ed.: Religious Realism (New York, 1931), pp. 425-6.
1704908275 27.Popular Religion: Inspirational Books in America (Chicago, 1958), pp. 16-4; 本段的引文在pp. 1, 6, 7, 44, 51n., 58, 61n., 63, 90, 91n., 106, 107.
1704908277 28.A Guide to Confident Living, pp. 46, 55.
1704908279 29.Handbook of the New Thought (New York, 1917), pp. 122-3.
1704908281 30. 本段及后面几段的引文见The Return to Religion (1936; Pocket Book ed., 1943), pp. 9, 12, 14, 17, 19, 35, 44-5, 54-61, 67, 69, 71, 73, 78-9, 115-16, 147-9, 157.
1704908283 第十一章 其他领域所发生的智识无用论争辩
1704908285 1. John Taylor: Arator (Georgetown, 1813), pp. 76-7; Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America (New York, 1945), Vol. II, p. 157;在我的书The Age of Reform第二章中,我曾讨论美国农业中的商业气味。
1704908287 2. 关于农业杂志,见Albert L. Demaree: The American Agricultural Press, 1819-1860 (New York, 1941), pp. 17-19; 关于图书和杂志,见Paul W. Gates: The Farmer’s Age: Agriculture, 1815-1860 (New York, 1960), pp. 343, 356.
1704908289 3. 关于农业博览会,见Gates: op. cit., pp. 312-15; cf. W. C. Neely: The Agricultural Fair (New York, 1935), pp. 30, 35, 42-5, 71, 183; and P. W. Bidwell and J. I. Falconer: History of Agriculture in the Northern United States (Washington, 1925), pp. 186-93.
1704908291 4. Carl Van Doren: Benjamin Franklin (New York, 1938), p. 178; Bidwell and Falconer: op. cit., p. 119; Avery O. Craven: Edmund Ruffin, Southerner (New York, 1932), p. 58; Hany J. Carman, ed.: Jesse Buel: Agricultural Reformer (New York, 1947), p. 10; Demaree: op. cit., p. 38; James F. W. Johnston: Notes on North America: Agricultural, Economic, and Social (Edinburgh, 1851), Vol. II, p. 281.
1704908293 5. Demaree: op. cit., pp. 4-6, 10, 48-9. 关于浪费的开垦行为,见Gates: op. cit., who makes the necessary regional and ethnic qualifications.
1704908295 6. Richard Bardolph: Agricultural Literature and the Early Illinois Farmer (Urbana, Illinois, 1948), p. 14; cf. pp. 13, 103.
1704908297 7. Carman: op. cit., pp. 249-50. 这些犀利的话语,见pp. 234-54, and Buel’s remarks “On the Necessity and Means of Improving Our Husbandry,” pp. 8-21.
1704908299 8. Carman: op. cit., p. 53. 还有一位编辑针对农民极为务实的心态做了回应,见:“An Apology for ‘Book Farmers,’” Farmer’s Register, Vol. II. (June, 1834), pp. 16-19; cf. “Book Farming,” Farmer’s Register, Vol. I (May, 1834), p. 743.
1704908301 9. Demaree: op. cit., p. 67. 关于自耕农和农业出版,见pp. 113-16; cf. Sidney L. Jackson: Americas Struggle for Free Schools (Washington, 1940), pp. 111-14, 142-4. 通常农人最喜欢读他们手中的农民历,而有些农民历还竟然针对老农夫的胃口,登一些有反智气味的东西,例如嘲讽现代农耕法的趣味逸事或是打油诗。
1704908303 10. Gates: op. cit., pp. 358-60.
1704908305 11. “Agricultural Colleges,” reprinted from the New England Farmer, n.s. Vol. IV (June, 1852), pp. 267-8, in Demaree; op. cit., pp. 250-2.
1704908307 12. Jackson: op. cit., p. 172; cf. pp. 113, 127, passim.
1704908309 13. 耶鲁大学的约翰·P. 诺顿(John P. Norton)教授在1852年说:“美国如果有任何六个州在今年内要设立农业大学或学院的话,在全国范围之内他们也找不足可以胜任的教授人数。”他甚至怀疑纽约州如要设立一所学校都找不齐教员。Demaree: op. cit., p. 245.      关于美国改良农业教育的简史可以参考A. C. True: A History of Agricultural Education in the United States, 1785-1925 (Washington, 1929). 1851年,爱德华·希契科克(Edward Hitchcock)替马萨诸塞州议会做了一个关于欧洲农业教育概况的报告,他发现美国在这两方面落后欧洲很多,尤其是较诸德、法两国。
1704908311 14. Earle D. Ross: Democracy’s College (Ames, Iowa, 1942), p. 66.
1704908313 15. 明尼苏达州的联邦参议员赖斯(Rice)在国会发言反对政府用公地设立农业大学,算是当时国会中的少数声音。他说:“如果我们要设立农业大学,倒不如给每位农民一百六十亩地,这才是适合他的真正的大学……联邦不应把公地拨给各州,让他们以公款设立大学,教育那些上得起学的有钱人家子弟。我们不需要那些摩登农夫,或是摩登农机员……”I. L. Kandel: Federal Aid for Vocational Education (New York, 1917), p. 10.
1704908315 16. Ross: op. cit., chapters 5, 6, 7, and pp. 66, 72, 80, 87, 89-90, 96-7, 108-9. 有一份文献认为农业大学只不过是某些白痴老学究们与一些善搞政治的教授们的庇护所而已,而另一份文献则建议“扫除掉那些博士与文弱书生教授们”,找一些务实的、每日与实际生活搏斗的人来代替他们吧。Ibid., pp. 119-20. Cf. James B. Angell: Reminiscences (New York, 1912), p. 123:“农民……是最不信任我们的阶级,根本不认为我们可以为他们提供什么帮助。”
1704908317 17. Milburn L. Wilson, in o. E. Baker, R. Borsodi, and M. L. Wilson: Agriculture in Modern Life (New York, 1939), pp. 223-4.
1704908319 18. Kandel: op. cit., p. 103; cf. p. 106. 关于这些大学里农业和机械课程的学生人数,见p. 102.
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