1704908471 23.Secondary Education and Life (Cambridge, Mass., 1939). 本页和随后几页的观点主要来自pp. 1-49; especially pp. 7-10, 15-16, 19-21, 31-5, 47-9.
1704908473 24. 稍晚一些有人就这一学校的课程内容做了更全面和权威的阐述,见Harold Alberty: Reorganizing the High School Curriculum (New York, 1953).
1704908475 25. 美国人对“心智锻炼”最具代表性的看法见于Yale Report of 1828,它最早刊登于The American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. XV (January, 1829), pp. 297-351. 文章的大部分内容后来收录于Hofstadter and Smith, eds.: American Higher Education: A Documentary History, Vol. I, pp. 275-91.
1704908477 26. 运动的支持者还因为自负而为低等的教育学辩护。大量的证据证明,古时候的学院是以狭隘的文法精神教授古典语言的,并不是为了让学生了解古代文化生活。见Richard Hofstadter and Walter P. Metzger: The Development of Academic Freedom in the United States (New York, 1955), pp. 226-30; Richard Hofstadter and C. DeWitt Hardy: The Development and Scope of Higher Education in the United States (New York, 1952), chapter 1 and pp. 53-6.
1704908479 27. W. C. Bagley: “The Significance of the Essentialist Movement inEducational Theory,” Classical Journal, Vol. XXXIV (1939), p. 336.
1704908481 28. Jerome S. Bruner: The Process of Education (Cambridge, Mass., 1960), p. 6. Bruner指出,重要的考量是学习者能够系统地理解所学之物。关于现代有关心智锻炼的讨论和相关实验证据,见Walter B. Kolesnik: Mental Discipline in Modern Education (Madison, 1958), especially chapter 3.
1704908483 29. 亦即,如果特曼的研究被接受,六成的美国孩童将被认为不适合高中教育。
1704908485 30. 关于学业能力分布的不同估计,以及对政策的影响,见Report of the President’s Commission on Higher Education: Higher Education for American. Democracy, Vol. I, p. 41; Byron S. Hollinshead: Who Should Go to College (New York, 1952), especially pp. 3940; Dael Wolfle: America’s Resources of Specialized Talent (New York, 1954); and Charles C. Cole, Jr.: Encouraging Scientific Talent (New York, 1956). 一位教育心理学家写道:“我坚信,更好的教育可以让……一半甚至更多的高中学生从课堂上受益。”Paul Woodring: A Fourth of a Nation (New York, 1957), p. 49.
1704908487 31.A Look Ahead in Secondary Education, U.S. Office of Education (Washington, 1954), p. 76.
1704908489 32.American Education in the Twentieth Century, p. 156; cf. pp. 173-81. 关于生活适应教育运动的普遍雄心,见Mortimer Smith: The Diminished Mind (Chicago, 1954), p. 46.
1704908491 33.Education for All American Youth, A Further Look (Washington, 1952), p. 140.
1704908493 34. Charles M. MacConnell, Ernest O. Melby, Christian O. Arndt, and Leslee J. Bishop: New Schools for a New Culture (New York, 1953), pp. 154-5. 其实这些话的确不是没有道理,因为当时的美国中学教育真的并不能给这些资优学生什么特别的帮助。
1704908495 35. Bruner: op. cit., p. 10. Cf. James B. Conant:“我们的制度特别忽视资优者。我们的高中既没有及早发现他们,也没有给他们指引,更没有给他们所需的教育。”Education in a Divided World (Cambridge, Mass., 1948), p. 65; cf. p. 228. 关于天才教育,见Frank O. Copley: The American High School and the Talented Student (Ann Arbor, 1961).      在20世纪50年代中期,只有约5%的资优学生可在学校受到正式特别教育的关照。1948年的一项调查显示,有两万名资优生接受资优特殊教育,约有八万七千名学习障碍生接受迟缓特殊教育。关于天才教育项目的这些以及其他数字,见Cole: Encouraging Scientific Talent, pp. 116-19.
1704908497 36. Lloyd E. Blauch, Assistant Commissioner for Higher Education, United States Office of Education, writing in Mary Irwin, ed.: American Universities and Colleges, published by the American Council on Education (Washington, 1956), p. 8. 强调是我加的。有人指出,该文献的作者主要是建议为有天赋的学生制订特殊的教学计划,但是这种考虑在我看来并不能冲淡教育办公室罗列出的这份怪异名单透露出的意图。
1704908499 37.Liberal Education and the Democratic Ideal (New Haven, 1959), p. 29; 这件事首先由Griswold于1954年报道。
1704908501 38. Richard A. Mumma: “The Real Barrier to a More Realistic Curriculum: The Teacher,” Educational Administration and Supervision, Vol. XXXVI (January, 1950), pp. 41-2.
1704908503 39.Bulletin of the Council for Basic Education (April, 1957), p. 11. 学生在学校对这些话题的实际探索并不简单,但它们在核心课程教育者之间则并非如此。见一份为学生推荐的基础课程列表,Alberty: Reorganizing the High School Curriculum, chapter 15.
1704908505 40. “The Second Transformation,” p. 154.
1704908507 第十四章 儿童与他将面对的世界
1704908509 1. 但是实验学校的案例有时被类比为在工业社会学研究中出名的霍桑实验。这个实验本来是要探究何种工作环境会增加生产力,但是研究结果却显示,做这个实验本身给劳动者带来的心理冲击改变了生产力,反而不是任何工作环境上的改变使然。
1704908511 2.The Transformation of the School, p. 239.
1704908513 3. 见G. R. Glenn: “What Manner of Child Shall This Be?” N. E. A. Proceedings, 1900, pp. 176-8,此处和其他引文均出自这里。
1704908515 4. 这当然跟传统派与不那么具有福音宗教精神的教育家的看法不同。例如Charles William Eliot曾说:“不管教育哪个层级的学生,教育机构的目标绝对不取决于那些最差学生的需要……”Educational Reform (New York, 1898).
1704908517 5. Francis W. Parker: Talks on Pedagogics (New York, 1894), pp. 3, 5-6, 16, 23-4, 320-30, 383, 434, 450.
1704908519 6. G. Stanley Hall: “The Ideal School as Based on Child Study,” Forum, Vol. XXXII (September, 1901), p. 24-5; John Dewey: My Pedagogic Creed (1897; new ed. Washington, 1929), pp. 4, 9.
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