1705000306 14 The Jersey Heifer 杰西牛 Peggy Harding Love [:1705001851]
1705000307 15 A Visit to the Grandfather’s Grave 扫墓 James Turner Jackson [:1705002109]
1705000308 16 Natives Don’t Cry 亨利小姐的信 Kay Boyle [:1705002191]
1705000309 17 Rosie 露西姑娘 William Van Buskirk [:1705002503]
1705000310 18 At Gallipoli 大军出征 John Masefield [:1705002565]
1705000311 19 The Treasure Game 觅宝 H. E. Bates [:1705002631]
1705000312 20 The Duck 鸭 J. B. Priestley [:1705002963]
1705000313 21 A Special Occasion 两小 Joyce Cary [:1705003017]
1705000314 22 Bookshops in Paris 巴黎的书店 Aldous Huxley [:1705003185]
1705000315 23 A World of Glass 玻璃世界 William Sansom [:1705003251]
1705000316 24 A Hemingway Sample 海明威的写作技巧 Caroline Gordon [:1705003337]
1705000317 25 Kant the Man 康德的日常生活 W. Somerset Maugham [:1705003391]
1705000318 26 In Dreams Begin Responsibilities 君子好逑 Delmore Schwartz [:1705003531]
1705000319 27 A Mountain Adventure 登山遇险记 Gerald Warner Brace [:1705003745]
1705000320 28 Father and Daughter 父与女 James Yaffe [:1705004073]
1705000321 29 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 William Saroyan [:1705004157]
1705000322 30 D-Day 诺曼第登陆 Winston S. Churchill [:1705004289]
1705000323 31 A Student in Economics 工读生 George Milburn [:1705004407]
1705000324 32 Prescott 历史家普瑞斯各德 Van Wyck Brooks [:1705004971]
1705000325 33 Man and Woman 男与女 Erskine Caldwell [:1705005217]
1705000326 34 A Pretty Girl 美丽的姑娘 Max Beerbohm [:1705005543]
1705000327 35 Her Graduation Day 毕业的那一天 Nancy G. Chaikin [:1705005631]
1705000328 36 Emergency Landing 紧急着陆 John Cheever [:1705005737]
1705000329 37 Romeo 大情人 Charles Jackson [:1705005819]
1705000330 38 Dialogues of A. N. Whitehead 怀德海语录 Lucien Price [:1705006331]
1705000331 39 Michael and Mary 金船 Seumas O’Kelly [:1705006529]
1705000332 40 University Days 大学生活回忆 James G. Thurber [:1705006849]
1705000333 41 British Bicycles in Spain 英国自行车在西班牙 Robert Graves [:1705006993]
1705000334 42 The Reigning Royalty of Europe 欧洲之王室 Lord David Cecil [:1705007075]
1705000335 43 A Professor in Retirement 退休教授 Jean Stafford [:1705007179]
1705000336 44 A Writer’s Life 作家甘苦 Catherine Drinker Bowen [:1705007387]
1705000337 45 We Need Humor 我们需要幽默 Malcolm Muggeridge [:1705007723]
1705000338 46 Skeffington’s Decision to Run for Re-election 市长决心竞选 Edwin O’Connor [:1705007807]
1705000339 47 Moon Shell 月形螺壳 Anne Morrow Lindbergh [:1705007993]
1705000340 48 Invite 邀舞 John O’Hara [:1705008169]
1705000341 49 Captain Carlsen 卡尔逊船长 Thomas Whiteside [:1705008331]
1705000342 50 Moscow, 1918 一九一八年的莫斯科 George F. Kennan [:1705008403]
1705000345 Cover
1705000348 现代英文选评注 [:1705000293]
1705000350 现代英文选评注
1705000355 现代英文选评注 [:1705000294]
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