1705344823 1.42 42 充满希望和肉汁的土地(Land of Hope and Gravy) [:1705345877]
1705344824 1.43 43 准确描述一餐(Making a Meal of It) [:1705345900]
1705344825 1.44 44 后街酒吧(Back Street Boozer) [:1705345933]
1705344826 1.45 45 推销电话(Cold Calling) [:1705345958]
1705344827 1.46 46 里面和外面(The Ins and Outs of It) [:1705345977]
1705344828 1.47 47 亲爱的读者(Dear Reader) [:1705346000]
1705344829 1.48 48 重要的国王和女王们(Essential Kings and Queens) [:1705346023]
1705344830 1.49 49 社会等级(Peers of Our Realm) [:1705346050]
1705344831 1.50 50 别多管闲事(Mind Your Own Business) [:1705346077]
1705344832 1.51 51 只是一点小擦伤而已(It’s Only a Scratch) [:1705346098]
1705344833 1.52 52 自吹自擂(One’s Own Trumpet) [:1705346119]
1705344834 1.53 53 周六之夜(Saturday Night) [:1705346142]
1705344835 1.54 54 礼轻情意重(The Thought That Counts) [:1705346169]
1705344836 1.55 55 劳动节(May Day) [:1705346214]
1705344837 1.56 56 篝火之夜(Bonfire Night) [:1705346233]
1705344838 1.57 57 明年去滨海城市威斯顿(Next Year It’s Weston-Super-Mare) [:1705346258]
1705344839 1.58 58 海边假日(Seaside Holidays) [:1705346289]
1705344840 1.59 59 伦敦(London) [:1705346310]
1705344841 1.60 60 减肥计划(Pounds Lighter) [:1705346331]
1705344842 1.61 61 为了胜利而种植(Digging for Victory) [:1705346352]
1705344843 1.62 62 自己动手(Do It Ourselves) [:1705346375]
1705344844 1.63 63 说再见(Ta-ta for Now) [:1705346398]
1705344845 1.64 64 未来(The Future) [:1705346423]
1705344846 2 Part Ⅱ 玩转英语 [:1705346440]
1705344847 2.1 1 出门在外(Stepping Out) [:1705346452]
1705344848 2.2 2 抱歉,打扰一下(Excuse Me……) [:1705346486]
1705344849 2.3 3 见面与问候(Meeting and Greeting) [:1705346505]
1705344850 2.4 4 在酒店(At the Hotel) [:1705346572]
1705344851 2.5 5 坐火车(Taking the Train) [:1705346638]
1705344852 2.6 6 公交车上(On the Bus) [:1705346708]
1705344853 2.7 7 观光(Sightseeing) [:1705346758]
1705344854 2.8 8 天气如何?(How’s the Weather) [:1705346797]
1705344855 2.9 9 不宜出门的天气(Weather NOT to Get Around In) [:1705346853]
1705344856 2.10 10 买衣服(Shopping for Clothes) [:1705346882]
1705344857 2.11 11 逛超市(At the Supermarket) [:1705346911]
1705344858 2.12 12 在理发店(At the Hairdresser’s) [:1705346940]
1705344859 2.13 13 英国家庭(The Family Way) [:1705346967]
1705344860 2.14 14 怎么做到不要太直白(How Not to Say What You Mean) [:1705347000]
1705344861 2.15 15 餐桌礼仪(At the Dinner Table) [:1705347012]
1705344862 2.16 16 茶馆礼仪(At the Teashop) [:1705347058]
1705344863 2.17 17 在酒吧(At the Pub) [:1705347100]
1705344864 2.18 18 在沙滩(At the Beach) [:1705347145]
1705344865 2.19 19 野营&大篷车旅行(Camping&Caravanning) [:1705347168]
1705344866 2.20 20 租房(Renting a Flat) [:1705347206]
1705344867 2.21 21 看医生(At the Doctor’s) [:1705347219]
1705344868 2.22 22 在大学(At University) [:1705347258]
1705344869 2.23 23 面试(An Interview for a Job) [:1705347294]
1705344870 2.24 24 谈判(Negotiating) [:1705347358]
1705344871 2.25 25 在警察局(At the Police Station) [:1705347407]
1705344872 2.26 26 标志与通知(Signs and Notices) [:1705347483]
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