1704787101 7.11 110.but+不定词 [:1704792507]
1704787102 7.12 111.say+不定词 [:1704792559]
1704787103 7.13 112.美国话中的现在分词的用法 [:1704792601]
1704787104 7.14 113.want 和 need 后接动名词或不定词 [:1704792681]
1704787105 8 Ⅷ.连词 [:1704792751]
1704787106 8.1 114.because,for,since,as [:1704792754]
1704787107 8.2 115.because 与否定 [:1704792820]
1704787108 8.3 116.though 和 although [:1704792848]
1704787109 8.4 117.though 的误用 [:1704792896]
1704787110 8.5 118.after 用作连词或介词 [:1704792924]
1704787111 8.6 119.doubt 后的连词用 whether 或是 that [:1704792978]
1704787112 8.7 120.and 和数目字 [:1704793036]
1704787113 8.8 121.中文连词“而”字的译法 [:1704793084]
1704787114 9 Ⅸ.介词 [:1704793168]
1704787115 9.1 122.“假期从明天开始”不可译作 The vacation begins from tomorrow. [:1704793171]
1704787116 9.2 123.from,since,for 三个说时间的介词 [:1704793225]
1704787117 9.3 124.介词的宾语 [:1704793265]
1704787118 9.4 125.except 和 excepting 的分别 [:1704793333]
1704787119 9.5 126.government of the people 是主格作用还是宾格作用 [:1704793409]
1704787120 9.6 127.dependent on 和 independent of [:1704793447]
1704787121 9.7 128.被动语态后接用的介词 [:1704793507]
1704787122 9.8 129.Money cannot buy happiness 的被动语态 [:1704793549]
1704787123 9.9 130.作“用做”解的 as 与 for [:1704793595]
1704787124 9.10 131.表示附带状况的 with [:1704793659]
1704787125 9.11 132.what with 和 what by [:1704793707]
1704787126 9.12 133.There is something vulgar about him [:1704793735]
1704787127 9.13 134.listen to, listen for, listen in 的分别 [:1704793769]
1704787128 9.14 135.as against, as by, as concerning, as from, as of [:1704793819]
1704787129 9.15 136.know of him 和 know him [:1704793855]
1704787130 9.16 137.believe in a person 和 believe a person [:1704793919]
1704787131 9.17 138.介词的省略 [:1704793965]
1704787132 9.18 139.at,in,of,on,to 等省略的用例 [:1704794007]
1704787133 9.19 140.“以上”、“以下”、“以前”、“以后”、“起”、“讫”等的译法 [:1704794087]
1704787134 9.20 141.at the beginning 和 in the beginning [:1704794167]
1704787135 10 Ⅹ.文句及表现法 [:1704794237]
1704787136 10.1 142.名词放在主句,代名词放在附句 [:1704794240]
1704787137 10.2 143.I am sorry, Thank you, Pardon 三个口头语 [:1704794260]
1704787138 10.3 144.charade [:1704794272]
1704787139 10.4 145.It is…that-clause 后的假设语气和直陈语气 [:1704794310]
1704787140 10.5 146.It…is that-clause 和 it is… Infinitive [:1704794354]
1704787141 10.6 147.You don’t say 和 Don’t tell me [:1704794394]
1704787142 10.7 148.I am So-and-so 和 My name is So-and-so [:1704794440]
1704787143 10.8 149.“ There+be”的表现法 [:1704794466]
1704787144 10.9 150.作 understatement 用的 rather [:1704794548]
1704787145 10.10 151.Mrs.+丈夫姓名 [:1704794574]
1704787146 10.11 152.用不定词或动名词取代子句 [:1704794588]
1704787147 10.12 153.be supposed to 的译法 [:1704794620]
1704787148 10.13 154.Do you know who he is?和 Who do you think he is? [:1704794658]
1704787149 10.14 155.Who do you think is the best player? [:1704794704]
1704787150 10.15 156.I don’t think 的句型 [:1704794746]
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