1705344777 作者: 马丁·福特 彼得·莱贡
1705344778 出版: 浙江大学出版社
1705344779 ISBN: 9787308165532
1705344781 1 Part Ⅰ 装出英伦范儿 [:1705344890]
1705344782 1.1 1 真正的英国人(True Brit) [:1705344902]
1705344783 1.2 2 抵达(Arrival) [:1705344923]
1705344784 1.3 3 电话亭(The Telephone Box) [:1705344942]
1705344785 1.4 4 穿衣品味(Dress Sense) [:1705344961]
1705344786 1.5 5 茶(Tea) [:1705344984]
1705344787 1.6 6 抱怨(Complaining) [:1705345009]
1705344788 1.7 7 礼貌很重要(Politeness) [:1705345032]
1705344789 1.8 8 说慢点(Speak Slowly) [:1705345053]
1705344790 1.9 9 发音(Pronunciation) [:1705345086]
1705344791 1.10 10 流行语(Top Tongue) [:1705345113]
1705344792 1.11 11 英式幽默(Sense of Humour) [:1705345134]
1705344793 1.12 12 活用身体习语(Body Idioms) [:1705345159]
1705344794 1.13 13 表达亲密(Terms of Endearment) [:1705345190]
1705344795 1.14 14 边做边学(Learning by Doing) [:1705345211]
1705344796 1.15 15 酒吧(Pubs) [:1705345232]
1705344797 1.16 16 见面与问候(Meeting and Greeting) [:1705345269]
1705344798 1.17 17 测一测你的英语水平(Test Your English) [:1705345284]
1705344799 1.18 18 真正的英语(Real English) [:1705345321]
1705344800 1.19 19 英式卫生间(The Bathroom) [:1705345340]
1705344801 1.20 20 床(Beds) [:1705345363]
1705344802 1.21 21 宠物(Pets) [:1705345390]
1705344803 1.22 22 天堂般的寄宿家庭(Heavenly Hosts) [:1705345417]
1705344804 1.23 23 享用你的美餐(Enjoy Your Meal!) [:1705345438]
1705344805 1.24 24 炸鱼和薯条(Fish and Chips) [:1705345463]
1705344806 1.25 25 强大的土豆(The Mighty Spud) [:1705345486]
1705344807 1.26 26 问路(Asking the Way) [:1705345507]
1705344808 1.27 27 驾驶(Driving) [:1705345526]
1705344809 1.28 28 小心空隙!(Mind the Gap) [:1705345547]
1705344810 1.29 29 历史悠久的英国(Ye Olde Britain) [:1705345570]
1705344811 1.30 30 排队(Queuing) [:1705345591]
1705344812 1.31 31 购物(Shopping) [:1705345612]
1705344813 1.32 32 离开(Departure) [:1705345639]
1705344814 1.33 33 英国人的大脑(Grey Matter) [:1705345660]
1705344815 1.34 34 英国伟人们(Great Britons) [:1705345695]
1705344816 1.35 35 你在“这里”(You Are Here) [:1705345718]
1705344817 1.36 36 走过边境然后离去16(O’er the Border and Awa’) [:1705345741]
1705344818 1.37 37 琳琅满目的商店(Lots in Store) [:1705345762]
1705344819 1.38 38 火车到哪儿去(Making Tracks) [:1705345785]
1705344820 1.39 39 我们的足球小将杰克(Our Jack) [:1705345808]
1705344821 1.40 40 板球(Cricket) [:1705345831]
1705344822 1.41 41 英式早餐大全(The Full English) [:1705345854]
1705344823 1.42 42 充满希望和肉汁的土地(Land of Hope and Gravy) [:1705345877]
1705344824 1.43 43 准确描述一餐(Making a Meal of It) [:1705345900]
1705344825 1.44 44 后街酒吧(Back Street Boozer) [:1705345933]
1705344826 1.45 45 推销电话(Cold Calling) [:1705345958]
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